RulesReasoning Rules

Set Implicit Arguments.
This file imports LibSepDirect.v instead of Hprop.v and Himpl.v. The file LibSepDirect.v contains definitions that are essentially similar to those from Hprop.v and Himpl.v, yet with one main difference: LibSepDirect makes the definition of Separation Logic operators opaque.
As a result, one cannot unfold the definition of hstar, hpure, etc. To carry out reasoning, one must use the introduction and elimination lemmas (e.g. hstar_intro, hstar_elim). These lemmas enforce abstraction: they ensure that the proofs do not depend on the particular choice of the definitions used for constructing Separation Logic.
From SLF Require Export LibSepReference.
From SLF Require Basic.

First Pass

In the previous chapters, we have:
  • introduced the key heap predicate operators,
  • introduced the notion of Separation Logic triple,
  • introduced the entailment relation,
  • introduced the structural rules of Separation Logic.
We are now ready to present the other reasoning rules, which enable establishing properties of concrete programs.
These reasoning rules are proved correct with respect to the semantics of the programming language in which the programs are expressed. Thus, a necessary preliminary step is to present the syntax and the semantics of a (toy) programming language, for which we aim to provide Separation Logic reasoning rules.
The present chapter is thus organized as follows:
  • definition of the syntax of the language,
  • definition of the semantics of the language,
  • statements of the reasoning rules associated with each of the term constructions from the language,
  • specification of the primitive operations of the language, in particular those associated with memory operations,
  • review of the 4 structural rules introduced in prior chapters,
  • examples of practical verification proofs.
The bonus section (optional) also includes:
  • proofs of the reasoning rules associated with each term construct,
  • proofs of the specification of the primitive operations.

Semantic of Terms


The syntax described next captures the "abstract syntax tree" of a programming language. It follows a presentation that distiguishes between closed values and terms. This presentation is intended to simplify the definition and evaluation of the substitution function: because values are always closed (i.e., no free variables in them), the substitution function never needs to traverse through values.
The grammar for values includes unit, boolean, integers, locations, functions, recursive functions, and primitive operations. For example, val_int 3 denotes the integer value 3. The value val_fun x t denotes the function fun x t, and the value val_fix f x t denotes the function fix f x t, which is written let rec f x = t in f in OCaml syntax.
For conciseness, we include just a few primitive operations: ref, get, set and free for manipulating the mutable state, the operation add to illustrate a simple arithmetic operation, and the operation div to illustrate a partial operation.
Inductive val : Type :=
  | val_unit : val
  | val_bool : bool val
  | val_int : int val
  | val_loc : loc val
  | val_fun : var trm val
  | val_fix : var var trm val
  | val_ref : val
  | val_get : val
  | val_set : val
  | val_free : val
  | val_add : val
  | val_div : val

The grammar for terms includes values, variables, function definitions, recursive function definitions, function applications, sequences, let-bindings, and conditionals.

with trm : Type :=
  | trm_val : val trm
  | trm_var : var trm
  | trm_fun : var trm trm
  | trm_fix : var var trm trm
  | trm_app : trm trm trm
  | trm_seq : trm trm trm
  | trm_let : var trm trm trm
  | trm_if : trm trm trm trm.
Note that trm_fun and trm_fix denote functions that may feature free variables, unlike val_fun and val_fix which denote closed values. The intention is that the evaluation of a trm_fun in the empty context produces a val_fun value. Likewise, a trm_fix eventually evaluates to a val_fix.
Several value constructors are declared as coercions, to enable more concise statements. For example, val_loc is declared as a coercion, so that a location p of type loc can be viewed as the value val_loc p where an expression of type val is expected. Likewise, a boolean b may be viewed as the value val_bool b, and an integer n may be viewed as the value val_int n.
Coercion val_loc : loc >-> val.
Coercion val_bool : bool >-> val.
Coercion val_int : Z >-> val.


The language we consider is an imperative language, with primitive functions for manipulating the state. Thus, the statement of the evaluation rules involve a memory state.
Recall from Hprop that a state is represented as a finite map from location to values. Finite maps are presented using the type fmap. Details of the construction of finite maps are beyond the scope of this course; details may be found in the the file LibSepFmap.v.
Definition state : Type := fmap loc val.
For technical reasons related to the internal representation of finite maps, to enable reading in a state, we need to justify that the grammar of values is inhabited. This property is captured by the following command, whose details are not relevant for understanding the rest of the chapter.
Instance Inhab_val : Inhab val.
Proof using. apply (Inhab_of_val val_unit). Qed.


The semantics of the evaluation of function is described by means of a substitution function. The substitution function, written subst y w t, replaces all occurrences of a variable y with a value w inside a term t.
The substitution function is always the identity function on values, because our language only considers closed values. In other words, we define subst y w (trm_val v) = (trm_val v).
The substitution function, when reaching a variable, performs a comparison between two variables. To that end, it exploits the comparison function var_eq x y, which produces a boolean value indicating whether x and y denote the same variable.
"Optional contents": the remaining of this section describes further details about the substitution function that may be safely skipped over in first reading.
The substitution operation traverses all other language constructs in a structural manner. It takes care of avoiding "variable capture" when traversing binders: subst y w t does not recurse below the scope of binders whose name is equal to y. For example, the result of subst y w (trm_let x t1 t2) is defined as trm_let x (subst y w t1) (if var_eq x y then t2 else (subst y w t2)).
The auxiliary function if_y_eq, which appears in the definition of subst shown below, helps performing the factorizing the relevant checks that prevent variable capture.
Fixpoint subst (y:var) (w:val) (t:trm) : trm :=
  let aux t := subst y w t in
  let if_y_eq x t1 t2 := if var_eq x y then t1 else t2 in
  match t with
  | trm_val vtrm_val v
  | trm_var xif_y_eq x (trm_val w) t
  | trm_fun x t1trm_fun x (if_y_eq x t1 (aux t1))
  | trm_fix f x t1trm_fix f x (if_y_eq f t1 (if_y_eq x t1 (aux t1)))
  | trm_app t1 t2trm_app (aux t1) (aux t2)
  | trm_seq t1 t2trm_seq (aux t1) (aux t2)
  | trm_let x t1 t2trm_let x (aux t1) (if_y_eq x t2 (aux t2))
  | trm_if t0 t1 t2trm_if (aux t0) (aux t1) (aux t2)

Implicit Types and Coercions

To improve the readability of the evaluation rules stated further, we take advantage of both implicit types and coercions.
The implicit types are defined as shown below. For example, the first command indicates that variables whose name begins with the letter 'b' are, by default, variables of type bool.
Implicit Types b : bool.
Implicit Types v r : val.
Implicit Types t : trm.
Implicit Types s : state.
We next introduce two key coercions. First, we declare trm_val as a coercion, so that, instead of writing trm_val v, we may write simply v wherever a term is expected.
Coercion trm_val : val >-> trm.
Second, we declare trm_app as a "Funclass" coercion. This piece of magic enables us to write t1 t2 as a shorthand for trm_app t1 t2. The idea of associating trm_app as the "Funclass" coercion for the type trm is that if a term t1 of type trm is applied like a function to an argument, then t1 should be interpreted as trm_app t1.
Coercion trm_app : trm >-> Funclass.
Interestingly, the "Funclass" coercion for trm_app can be iterated. The expression t1 t2 t3 is parsed by Coq as (t1 t2) t3. The first application t1 t2 is interpreted as trm_app t1 t2. This expression, which itself has type trm, is applied to t3. Hence, it is interpreted as trm_app (trm_app t1 t2) t3, which indeed corresponds to a function applied to two arguments.

Big-Step Semantics

The semantics is presented in big-step style. This presentation makes it slightly easier to establish reasoning rules than with small-step reduction rules, because both the big-step judgment and a triple judgment describe complete execution, relating a term with the value that it produces.
The big-step evaluation judgment, written eval s t s' v, asserts that, starting from state s, the evaluation of the term t terminates in a state s', producing an output value v.
For simplicity, we assume terms to be in "A-normal form": the arguments of applications and of conditionals are restricted to variables and values. Such a requirement does not limit expressiveness, yet it simplifies the statement of the evaluation rules.
For example, if a source program includes a conditional trm_if t0 t1 t2, then it is required that t0 be either a variable or a value. This is not a real restriction, because trm_if t0 t1 t2 can always be encoded as let x = t0 in if x then t1 else t2.
The big-step judgment is inductively defined as follows.
Inductive eval : state trm state val Prop :=

1. eval for values and function definitions.
A value evaluates to itself. A term function evaluates to a value function. Likewise for a recursive function.

  | eval_val : s v,
      eval s (trm_val v) s v
  | eval_fun : s x t1,
      eval s (trm_fun x t1) s (val_fun x t1)
  | eval_fix : s f x t1,
      eval s (trm_fix f x t1) s (val_fix f x t1)

2. eval for function applications.
The beta reduction rule asserts that (val_fun x t1) v2 evaluates to the same result as subst x v2 t1.
In the recursive case, (val_fix f x t1) v2 evaluates to subst x v2 (subst f v1 t1), where v1 denotes the recursive function itself, that is, val_fix f x t1.

  | eval_app_fun : s1 s2 v1 v2 x t1 v,
      v1 = val_fun x t1
      eval s1 (subst x v2 t1) s2 v
      eval s1 (trm_app v1 v2) s2 v
  | eval_app_fix : s1 s2 v1 v2 f x t1 v,
      v1 = val_fix f x t1
      eval s1 (subst x v2 (subst f v1 t1)) s2 v
      eval s1 (trm_app v1 v2) s2 v

3. eval for structural constructs.
A sequence trm_seq t1 t2 first evaluates t1, taking the state from s1 to s2, drops the result of t1, then evaluates t2, taking the state from s2 to s3.
The let-binding trm_let x t1 t2 is similar, except that the variable x gets substituted for the result of t1 inside t2.

  | eval_seq : s1 s2 s3 t1 t2 v1 v,
      eval s1 t1 s2 v1
      eval s2 t2 s3 v
      eval s1 (trm_seq t1 t2) s3 v
  | eval_let : s1 s2 s3 x t1 t2 v1 r,
      eval s1 t1 s2 v1
      eval s2 (subst x v1 t2) s3 r
      eval s1 (trm_let x t1 t2) s3 r

4. eval for conditionals.
A conditional in a source program is assumed to be of the form if t0 then t1 else t2, where t0 is either a variable or a value. If it is a variable, then by the time it reaches an evaluation position, the variable must have been substituted by a value. Thus, the evaluation rule only considers the form if v0 then t1 else t2. The value v0 must be a boolean value, otherwise evaluation gets stuck.
The term trm_if (val_bool true) t1 t2 behaves like t1, whereas the term trm_if (val_bool false) t1 t2 behaves like t2. This behavior is described by a single rule, leveraging Coq's "if" constructor to factor out the two cases.

  | eval_if : s1 s2 b v t1 t2,
      eval s1 (if b then t1 else t2) s2 v
      eval s1 (trm_if (val_bool b) t1 t2) s2 v

5. eval for primitive stateless operations.
For similar reasons as explained above, the behavior of applied primitive functions only need to be described for the case of value arguments.
An arithmetic operation expects integer arguments. The addition of val_int n1 and val_int n2 produces val_int (n1 + n2).
The division operation, on the same arguments, produces the quotient n1 / n2, under the assumption that the dividor n2 is non-zero. In other words, if a program performs a division by zero, then it cannot satisfy the eval judgment.

  | eval_add : s n1 n2,
      eval s (val_add (val_int n1) (val_int n2)) s (val_int (n1 + n2))
  | eval_div : s n1 n2,
      n2 0
      eval s (val_div (val_int n1) (val_int n2)) s (val_int (Z.quot n1 n2))

6. eval for primitive operations on memory.
There remains to describe operations that act on the mutable store.
val_ref v allocates a fresh cell with contents v. The operation returns the location, written p, of the new cell. This location must not be previously in the domain of the store s.
val_get (val_loc p) reads the value in the store s at location p. The location must be bound to a value in the store, else evaluation is stuck.
val_set (val_loc p) v updates the store at a location p assumed to be bound in the store s. The operation modifies the store and returns the unit value.
val_free (val_loc p) deallocates the cell at location p.

  | eval_ref : s v p,
      ¬ Fmap.indom s p
      eval s (val_ref v) (Fmap.update s p v) (val_loc p)
  | eval_get : s p,
      Fmap.indom s p
      eval s (val_get (val_loc p)) s ( s p)
  | eval_set : s p v,
      Fmap.indom s p
      eval s (val_set (val_loc p) v) (Fmap.update s p v) val_unit
  | eval_free : s p,
      Fmap.indom s p
      eval s (val_free (val_loc p)) (Fmap.remove s p) val_unit.

End SyntaxAndSemantics.

Loading of Definitions from Direct

Throughout the rest of this file, we rely not on the definitions shown above, but on the definitions from LibSepDirect.v. The latter are slightly more general, yet completely equivalent to the ones presented above for the purpose of establishing the reasoning rules that we are interested in.
To reduce the clutter in the statement of lemmas, we associate default types to a number of common meta-variables.
Implicit Types x f : var.
Implicit Types b : bool.
Implicit Types p : loc.
Implicit Types n : int.
Implicit Types v w r : val.
Implicit Types t : trm.
Implicit Types h : heap.
Implicit Types s : state.
Implicit Types H : hprop.
Implicit Types Q : valhprop.

Review of the Structural Rules

Let us review the essential structural rules, which were introduced in the previous chapters. These structural rules are involved in the practical verification proofs carried out further in this chapter.
The frame rule asserts that the precondition and the postcondition can be extended together by an arbitrary heap predicate. Recall that the definition of triple was set up precisely to validate this frame rule, so in a sense in holds "by construction".
Parameter triple_frame : t H Q H',
  triple t H Q
  triple t (H \* H') (Q \*+ H').
The consequence rule allows to strengthen the precondition and weaken the postcondition.
Parameter triple_conseq : t H' Q' H Q,
  triple t H' Q'
  H ==> H'
  Q' ===> Q
  triple t H Q.
In practice, it is most convenient to exploit a rule that combines both frame and consequence into a single rule, as stated next. (Note that this "combined structural rule" was proved as an exercise in chapter Himpl.)
Parameter triple_conseq_frame : H2 H1 Q1 t H Q,
  triple t H1 Q1
  H ==> H1 \* H2
  Q1 \*+ H2 ===> Q
  triple t H Q.
The two extraction rules enable to extract pure facts and existentially quantified variables, from the precondition into the Coq context.
Parameter triple_hpure : t (P:Prop) H Q,
  (P triple t H Q)
  triple t (\[P] \* H) Q.

Parameter triple_hexists : t (A:Type) (J:Ahprop) Q,
  ( (x:A), triple t (J x) Q)
  triple t (\ (x:A), J x) Q.

Exercise: 1 star, standard, optional (triple_hpure')

The extraction rule triple_hpure assumes a precondition of the form \[P] \* H. The variant rule triple_hpure', stated below, assumes instead a precondition with only the pure part, i.e., of the form \[P]. Prove that triple_hpure' is indeed a corollary of triple_hpure.
Lemma triple_hpure' : t (P:Prop) Q,
  (P triple t \[] Q)
  triple t \[P] Q.
Proof using. (* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted.

Rules for Terms

We next present reasoning rule for terms. Most of these Separation Logic rules have a statement essentially identical to the statement of the corresponding Hoare Logic rule. The main difference lies in their interpretation: whereas Hoare Logic pre- and post-conditions describe the full state, a Separation Logic rule describes only a fraction of the mutable state.

Reasoning Rule for Sequences

Let us begin with the reasoning rule for sequences. The Separation Logic reasoning rule for a sequence t1;t2 is essentially the same as that from Hoare logic. The rule is:
{H} t1 {fun v => H1}     {H1} t2 {Q}  

{H} (t1;t2) {Q}
The Coq statement corresponding to the above rule is:
Parameter triple_seq : t1 t2 H Q H1,
  triple t1 H (fun vH1)
  triple t2 H1 Q
  triple (trm_seq t1 t2) H Q.
The variable v denotes the result of the evaluation of t1. For well-typed programs, this result would always be val_unit. Yet, because we here consider an untyped language, we do not bother adding the constraint v = val_unit. Instead, we simply treat the result of t1 as a value irrelevant to the remaining of the evaluation.

Reasoning Rule for Let-Bindings

Next, we present the reasoning rule for let-bindings. Here again, there is nothing specific to Separation Logic, the rule would be exactly the same in Hoare Logic.
The reasoning rule for a let binding let x = t1 in t2 could be stated, in informal writing, in the form:
{H} t1 {Q1}     (forall x, {Q1 x} t2 {Q})  

{H} (let x = t1 in t2) {Q}
Yet, such a presentation makes a confusion between the x that denotes a program variable in let x = t1 in t2, and the x that denotes a value when quantified as x.
The correct statement involves a substitution from the variable x to a value quantified as (v:val).
{H} t1 {Q1}     (forall v, {Q1 v} (subst x v t2) {Q})  

{H} (let x = t1 in t2) {Q}
The corresponding Coq statement is thus as follows.
Parameter triple_let : x t1 t2 Q1 H Q,
  triple t1 H Q1
  ( v1, triple (subst x v1 t2) (Q1 v1) Q)
  triple (trm_let x t1 t2) H Q.

Reasoning Rule for Conditionals

The rule for a conditional is, again, exactly like in Hoare logic.
b = true -> {H} t1 {Q}     b = false -> {H} t2 {Q}  

{H} (if b then t1 in t2) {Q}
The corresponding Coq statement appears next.
Parameter triple_if_case : b t1 t2 H Q,
  (b = true triple t1 H Q)
  (b = false triple t2 H Q)
  triple (trm_if (val_bool b) t1 t2) H Q.
Note that the two premises may be factorized into a single one using Coq's conditional construct. Such an alternative statement is discussed further in this chapter.

Reasoning Rule for Values

The rule for a value v can be written as a triple with an empty precondition and a postcondition asserting that the result value r is equal to v, in the empty heap. Formally:

{\[]} v {fun r => \[r = v]}
It is however more convenient in practice to work with a judgment whose conclusion is of the form {H} v {Q}, for an arbitrary H and Q. For this reason, we prefer the following rule for values.
H ==> Q v  

{H} v {Q}
It may not be completely obvious at first sight why this alternative rule is equivalent to the former. We prove the equivalence further in this chapter.
The Coq statement of the rule for values is thus as follows.
Parameter triple_val : v H Q,
  H ==> Q v
  triple (trm_val v) H Q.
Let us prove that the "minimalistic" rule {\[]} v {fun r \[r = v]} is equivalent to triple_val.

Exercise: 1 star, standard, especially useful (triple_val_minimal)

Prove that the alternative rule for values derivable from triple_val. Hint: use the tactic xsimpl to conclude the proof.
Lemma triple_val_minimal : v,
  triple (trm_val v) \[] (fun r\[r = v]).
Proof using. (* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted.

Exercise: 2 stars, standard, especially useful (triple_val')

More interestingly, prove that triple_val is derivable from triple_val_minimal. Hint: you will need to exploit the structural rule triple_conseq_frame.
Lemma triple_val' : v H Q,
  H ==> Q v
  triple (trm_val v) H Q.
Proof using. (* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted.

Exercise: 4 stars, standard, especially useful (triple_let_val)

Consider a term of the form let x = v1 in t2, that is, where the argument of the let-binding is already a value. State and prove a reasoning rule of the form:
      Lemma triple_let_val : x v1 t2 H Q,
        ... →
        triple (trm_let x v1 t2) H Q.
Hint: you'll need to guess the intermediate postcondition Q1 associated with the let-binding rule, and exploit the appropriate structural rules.

Reasoning Rule for Functions

In addition to the reasoning rule for values, we need reasoning rules for functions and recursive functions that appear as terms in the source program (as opposed to appearing as values).
A function definition trm_fun x t1, expressed as a subterm in a program, evaluates to a value, more precisely to val_fun x t1. Again, we could consider a rule with an empty precondition:

{\[]} (trm_fun x t1) {fun r => \[r = val_fun x t1]}
However, we prefer a conclusion of the form {H} (trm_fun x t1) {Q}. We thus consider the following rule, very similar to triple_val.
Parameter triple_fun : x t1 H Q,
  H ==> Q (val_fun x t1)
  triple (trm_fun x t1) H Q.
The rule for recursive functions is similar. It is presented further in the file.
Last but not least, we need a reasoning rule to reason about a function application. Consider an application trm_app v1 v2. Assume v1 to be a function, that is, to be of the form val_fun x t1. Then, according to the beta-reduction rule, the semantics of trm_app v1 v2 is the same as that of subst x v2 t1. This reasoning rule is thus:
v1 = val_fun x t1     {H} (subst x v2 t1) {Q}  

{H} (trm_app v1 v2) {Q}
The corresponding Coq statement is as shown below.
Parameter triple_app_fun : x v1 v2 t1 H Q,
  v1 = val_fun x t1
  triple (subst x v2 t1) H Q
  triple (trm_app v1 v2) H Q.
The generalization to the application of recursive functions is straightforward. It is discussed further in this chapter.

Specification of Primitive Operations

Before we can tackle verification of actual programs, there remains to present the specifications for the primitive operations. Let us begin with basic arithmetic operations: addition and division.

Specification of Arithmetic Primitive Operations

Consider a term of the form val_add n1 n2, which is short for trm_app (trm_app (trm_val val_add) (val_int n1)) (val_int n2). Indeed, recall that val_int is declared as a coercion.
The addition operation may execute in an empty state. It does not modify the state, and returns the value val_int (n1+n2).
In the specification shown below, the precondition is written \[] and the postcondition binds a return value r of type val specified to be equal to val_int (n1+n2).
Parameter triple_add : n1 n2,
  triple (val_add n1 n2)
    (fun r\[r = val_int (n1 + n2)]).
The specification of the division operation val_div n1 n2 is similar, yet with the extra requirement that the argument n2 must be nonzero. This requirement n2 0 is a pure fact, which can be asserted as part of the precondition, as follows.
Parameter triple_div' : n1 n2,
  triple (val_div n1 n2)
    \[n2 0]
    (fun r\[r = val_int (Z.quot n1 n2)]).
Equivalently, the requirement n2 0 may be asserted as an hypothesis to the front of the triple judgment, in the form of a standard Coq hypothesis, as shown below.
Parameter triple_div : n1 n2,
  n2 0
  triple (val_div n1 n2)
    (fun r\[r = val_int (Z.quot n1 n2)]).
This latter presentation with pure facts such as n2 0 placed to the front of the triple turns out to be more practical to exploit in proofs. Hence, we always follow this style of presentation, and reserve the precondition for describing pieces of mutable state.

Specification of Primitive Operations Acting on Memory

There remains to describe the specification of operations on the heap.
Recall that val_get denotes the operation for reading a memory cell. A call of the form val_get v' executes safely if v' is of the form val_loc p for some location p, in a state that features a memory cell at location p, storing some contents v. Such a state is described as p ~~> v. The read operation returns a value r such that r = v, and the memory state of the operation remains unchanged. The specification of val_get is thus expressed as follows.
Parameter triple_get : v p,
  triple (val_get (val_loc p))
    (p ~~> v)
    (fun r\[r = v] \* (p ~~> v)).
Remark: val_loc is registered as a coercion, so val_get (val_loc p) could be written simply as val_get p, where p has type loc. We here chose to write val_loc explicitly for clarity.
Recall that val_set denotes the operation for writing a memory cell. A call of the form val_set v' w executes safely if v' is of the form val_loc p for some location p, in a state p ~~> v. The write operation updates this state to p ~~> w, and returns the unit value, which can be ignored. Hence, val_set is specified as follows.
Parameter triple_set : w p v,
  triple (val_set (val_loc p) w)
    (p ~~> v)
    (fun _p ~~> w).
Recall that val_ref denotes the operation for allocating a cell with a given contents. A call to val_ref v does not depend on the contents of the existing state. It extends the state with a fresh singleton cell, at some location p, assigning it v as contents. The fresh cell is then described by the heap predicate p ~~> v. The evaluation of val_ref v produces the value val_loc p. Thus, if r denotes the result value, we have r = val_loc p for some p. In the corresponding specification shown below, observe how the location p is existentially quantified in the postcondition.
Parameter triple_ref : v,
  triple (val_ref v)
    (fun (r:val) ⇒ \ (p:loc), \[r = val_loc p] \* p ~~> v).
Using the notation funloc p H as a shorthand for fun (r:val) \ (p:loc), \[r = val_loc p] \* H, the specification for val_ref becomes more concise.
Parameter triple_ref' : v,
  triple (val_ref v)
    (funloc p p ~~> v).
Recall that val_free denotes the operation for deallocating a cell at a given address. A call of the form val_free p executes safely in a state p ~~> v. The operation leaves an empty state, and asserts that the return value, named r, is equal to unit.
Parameter triple_free : p v,
  triple (val_free (val_loc p))
    (p ~~> v)
    (fun _\[]).

Verification Proof in Separation Logic

We have at hand all the necessary rules for carrying out actual verification proofs in Separation Logic. Let's do it!
Module ExamplePrograms.
Export ProgramSyntax.

Proof of incr

First, we consider the verification of the increment function, which is written in OCaml syntax as:
   let incr p =
      p := !p + 1
Recall that, for simplicity, we assume programs to be written in "A-normal form", that is, with all intermediate expressions named by a let-binding. Thereafter, we thus consider the following definition for the incr.
   let incr p =
      let n = !p in
      let m = n+1 in
      p := m
Using the construct from our toy programming language, the definition of incr is written as shown below.
Definition incr : val :=
  val_fun "p" (
    trm_let "n" (trm_app val_get (trm_var "p")) (
    trm_let "m" (trm_app (trm_app val_add
                             (trm_var "n")) (val_int 1)) (
    trm_app (trm_app val_set (trm_var "p")) (trm_var "m")))).
Alternatively, using notation and coercions, the same program can be written as shown below.
Definition incr' : val :=
  <{ fun 'p
       let 'n = ! 'p in
       let 'm = 'n + 1 in
       'p := 'm }>.
Let us check that the two definitions are indeed the same.
Lemma incr_eq_incr' :
  incr = incr'.
Proof using. reflexivity. Qed.
Recall from the first chapter the specification of the increment function. Its precondition requires a singleton state of the form p ~~> n. Its postcondition describes a state of the form p ~~> (n+1).
Lemma triple_incr : (p:loc) (n:int),
  triple (trm_app incr p)
    (p ~~> n)
    (fun _p ~~> (n+1)).
We next show a detailed proof for this specification. It exploits:
  • the structural reasoning rules,
  • the reasoning rules for terms,
  • the specification of the primitive functions,
  • the xsimpl tactic for simplifying entailments.
Proof using.
  (* initialize the proof *)
  intros. applys triple_app_fun. { reflexivity. } simpl.
  (* reason about let n = .. *)
  applys triple_let.
  (* reason about !p *)
  { apply triple_get. }
  (* name n' the result of !p *)
  intros n'. simpl.
  (* substitute away the equality n' = n *)
  apply triple_hpure. intros →.
  (* reason about let m = .. *)
  applys triple_let.
  (* apply the frame rule to put aside p ~~> n *)
  { applys triple_conseq_frame.
    (* reason about n+1 in the empty state *)
    { applys triple_add. }
    { xsimpl. }
    { xsimpl. } }
  (* name m' the result of n+1 *)
  intros m'. simpl.
  (* substitute away the equality m' = m *)
  apply triple_hpure. intros →.
  (* reason about p := m *)
  { applys triple_set. }

Proof of succ_using_incr

Recall from Basic the function succ_using_incr.
Definition succ_using_incr : val :=
  <{ fun 'n
       let 'r = val_ref 'n in
       incr 'r;
       let 'x = ! 'r in
       val_free 'r;
       'x }>.
Recall the specification of succ_using_incr.
Lemma triple_succ_using_incr : (n:int),
  triple (trm_app succ_using_incr n)
    (fun v\[v = val_int (n+1)]).

Exercise: 4 stars, standard, especially useful (triple_succ_using_incr)

Verify the function triple_succ_using_incr. Hint: follow the pattern of triple_incr. Hint: use applys triple_seq for reasoning about a sequence. Hint: use applys triple_val for reasoning about the final return value, namely x.
Proof using. (* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted.

Proof of factorec

Import Basic.Facto.
Recall from Basic the function repeat_incr.
    let rec factorec n =
      if n ≤ 1 then 1 else n * factorec (n-1)
Definition factorec : val :=
  <{ fix 'f 'n
       let 'b = ('n 1) in
       if 'b
         then 1
         else let 'x = 'n - 1 in
              let 'y = 'f 'x in
              'n * 'y }>.

Exercise: 4 stars, standard, especially useful (triple_factorec)

Verify the function factorec. Hint: exploit triple_app_fix for reasoning about the recursive function. Hint: triple_hpure', the corollary of triple_hpure, is helpful. Hint: exploit triple_le and triple_sub and triple_mul to reason about the behavior of the primitive operations involved. Hint: exploit applys triple_if. case_if as C. to reason about the conditional; alternatively, if using triple_if_case, you'll need to use the tactic rew_bool_eq in * to simplify, e.g., the expression isTrue (m 1)) = true.
Lemma triple_factorec : n,
  n 0
  triple (factorec n)
    (fun r\[r = facto n]).
Proof using. (* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted.

What's Next

The matter of the next chapter is to introduce additional technology to streamline the proof process, notably by:
  • automating the application of the frame rule
  • eliminating the need to manipulate program variables and substitutions during the verification proof.
The rest of this chapter is concerned with alternative statements for the reasoning rules, and with the proofs of the reasoning rules.

More Details

Alternative Specification Style for Pure Preconditions

Module DivSpec.
Recall the specification for division.
Parameter triple_div : n1 n2,
  n2 0
  triple (val_div n1 n2)
    (fun r\[r = val_int (Z.quot n1 n2)]).
Equivalently, we could place the requirement n2 0 in the precondition:
Parameter triple_div' : n1 n2,
  triple (val_div n1 n2)
    \[n2 0]
    (fun r\[r = val_int (Z.quot n1 n2)]).
Let us formally prove that the two presentations are equivalent. Frist, we prove triple_div' by exploiting triple_div.
Lemma triple_div'_from_triple_div : n1 n2,
  triple (val_div n1 n2)
    \[n2 0]
    (fun r\[r = val_int (Z.quot n1 n2)]).
Proof using.
  intros. applys triple_hpure'. applys triple_div.

Exercise: 1 star, standard, especially useful (triple_div_from_triple_div')

Prove triple_div by exploiting triple_div'. Hint: the key proof step is applys triple_conseq
Lemma triple_div_from_triple_div' : n1 n2,
  n2 0
  triple (val_div n1 n2)
    (fun r\[r = val_int (Z.quot n1 n2)]).
Proof using. (* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted.
As we said, placing pure preconditions outside of the triples makes it slightly more convenient to exploit specifications. For this reason, we adopt the style that precondition only contain the description of heap-allocated data structures.
End DivSpec.

The Combined Let-Frame Rule

Module LetFrame.
Recall the Separation Logic let rule.
Parameter triple_let : x t1 t2 Q1 H Q,
  triple t1 H Q1
  ( v1, triple (subst x v1 t2) (Q1 v1) Q)
  triple (trm_let x t1 t2) H Q.
At first sight, it seems that, to reason about let x = t1 in t2 in a state described by precondition H, we need to first reason about t1 in that same state. Yet, t1 may well require only a subset of the state H to evaluate, and not all of H.
The "let-frame" rule combines the rule for let-bindings with the frame rule to make it more explicit that the precondition H may be decomposed in the form H1 \* H2, where H1 is the part needed by t1, and H2 denotes the rest of the state. The part of the state covered by H2 remains unmodified during the evaluation of t1, and appears as part of the precondition of t2.
The corresponding statement is as follows.
Lemma triple_let_frame : x t1 t2 Q1 H H1 H2 Q,
  triple t1 H1 Q1
  H ==> H1 \* H2
  ( v1, triple (subst x v1 t2) (Q1 v1 \* H2) Q)
  triple (trm_let x t1 t2) H Q.

Exercise: 3 stars, standard, especially useful (triple_let_frame)

Prove the let-frame rule.
Proof using. (* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted.
End LetFrame.

Proofs for the Rules for Terms

Module Proofs.
The proofs for the Separation Logic reasoning rules all follow a similar pattern: first establish a corresponding rule for Hoare triples, then generalize it to a Separation Logic triple.
To establish a reasoning rule w.r.t. a Hoare triple, we reveal the definition expressed in terms of the big-step semantics.
      Definition hoare (t:trm) (H:hprop) (Q:valhprop) : Prop :=
         s, H s
         s' v, eval s t s' vQ v s'.
Concretely, we consider a given initial state s satisfying the precondition, and we have to provide witnesses for the output value v and output state s' such that the reduction holds and the postcondition holds.
Then, to lift the reasoning rule from Hoare logic to Separation Logic, we reveal the definition of a Separation Logic triple.
      Definition triple t H Q :=
        H', hoare t (H \* H') (Q \*+ H').
Recall that we already employed this two-step scheme in the previous chapter, e.g., to establish the consequence rule (rule_conseq).

Proof of triple_val

The big-step evaluation rule for values asserts that a value v evaluates to itself, without modification to the current state s.
Parameter eval_val : s v,
  eval s v s v.
The Hoare version of the reasoning rule for values is as follows.
Lemma hoare_val : v H Q,
  H ==> Q v
  hoare (trm_val v) H Q.
Proof using.
1. We unfold the definition of hoare.
  introv M. intros s K0.
2. We provide the witnesses for the output value and heap. These witnesses are dictated by the statement of eval_val.
   s v. splits.
3. We invoke the big-step rule eval_val
  { applys eval_val. }
4. We establish the postcondition, exploiting the entailment hypothesis.
  { applys M. auto. }
The Separation Logic version of the rule then follows.
Lemma triple_val : v H Q,
  H ==> Q v
  triple (trm_val v) H Q.
Proof using.
1. We unfold the definition of triple to reveal a hoare judgment.
  introv M. intros H'.
2. We invoke the reasoning rule hoare_val that was just established.
  applys hoare_val.
3. We exploit the assumption and conclude using xchange.
  xchange M.

Proof of triple_seq

The big-step evaluation rule for a sequence is given next.
Parameter eval_seq : s1 s2 s3 t1 t2 v1 v,
  eval s1 t1 s2 v1
  eval s2 t2 s3 v
  eval s1 (trm_seq t1 t2) s3 v.
The Hoare triple version of the reasoning rule is proved as follows. This lemma, called hoare_seq, has the same statement as triple_seq, except with occurrences of triple replaced with hoare.
Lemma hoare_seq : t1 t2 H Q H1,
  hoare t1 H (fun vH1)
  hoare t2 H1 Q
  hoare (trm_seq t1 t2) H Q.
Proof using.
1. We unfold the definition of hoare. Let K0 describe the initial state.
  introv M1 M2. intros s K0. (* optional: *) unfolds hoare.
2. We exploit the first hypothesis to obtain information about the evaluation of the first subterm t1. The state before t1 executes is described by K0. The state after t1 executes is described by K1.
  forwards (s1'&v1&R1&K1): (rm M1) K0.
3. We exploit the second hypothesis to obtain information about the evaluation of the first subterm t2. The state before t2 executes is described by K1. The state after t2 executes is described by K2.
  forwards (s2'&v2&R2&K2): (rm M2) K1.
4. We provide witness for the output value and heap. They correspond to those produced by the evaluation of t2.
   s2' v2. split.
5. We invoke the big-step rule.
  { applys eval_seq R1 R2. }
6. We establish the final postcondition, which is directly inherited from the reasoning on t2.
  { apply K2. }
The Separation Logic reasoning rule is proved as follows.
Lemma triple_seq : t1 t2 H Q H1,
  triple t1 H (fun vH1)
  triple t2 H1 Q
  triple (trm_seq t1 t2) H Q.
Proof using.
1. We unfold the definition of triple to reveal a hoare judgment.
  introv M1 M2. intros H'. (* optional: *) unfolds triple.
2. We invoke the reasoning rule hoare_seq that we just established.
  applys hoare_seq.
3. For the hypothesis on the first subterm t1, we can invoke directly our first hypothesis.
  { applys M1. }
4. Likewise, we invoke an induction hypothesis for t2.
  { applys M2. }

Proof of triple_let

Recall the big-step evaluation rule for a let-binding.
Parameter eval_let : s1 s2 s3 x t1 t2 v1 v,
  eval s1 t1 s2 v1
  eval s2 (subst x v1 t2) s3 v
  eval s1 (trm_let x t1 t2) s3 v.

Exercise: 3 stars, standard, especially useful (triple_let)

Following the same proof scheme as for triple_seq, establish the reasoning rule for triple_let, whose statement appears earlier in this file. Make sure to first state and prove the lemma hoare_let, which has the same statement as triple_let yet with occurrences of triple replaced with hoare.

Proofs for the Arithmetic Primitive Operations


Recall the evaluation rule for addition.
Parameter eval_add : s n1 n2,
  eval s (val_add (val_int n1) (val_int n2)) s (val_int (n1 + n2)).
In the proof, we will need to use the following result, established in the first chapter.
Parameter hstar_hpure_l : P H h,
  (\[P] \* H) h = (P H h).
As usual, we first establish a Hoare triple.
Lemma hoare_add : H n1 n2,
  hoare (val_add n1 n2)
    (fun r\[r = val_int (n1 + n2)] \* H).
Proof using.
  intros. intros s K0. s (val_int (n1 + n2)). split.
  { applys eval_add. }
  { rewrite hstar_hpure_l. split.
    { auto. }
    { applys K0. } }
Deriving triple_add is then straightforward.
Lemma triple_add : n1 n2,
  triple (val_add n1 n2)
    (fun r\[r = val_int (n1 + n2)]).
Proof using.
  intros. intros H'. applys hoare_conseq.
  { applys hoare_add. } { xsimpl. } { xsimpl. auto. }


Recall the evaluation rule for division.
Parameter eval_div' : s n1 n2,
  n2 0
  eval s (val_div (val_int n1) (val_int n2)) s (val_int (Z.quot n1 n2)).

Exercise: 3 stars, standard, optional (triple_div)

Following the same proof scheme as for triple_add, establish the reasoning rule for triple_div. Make sure to first state and prove hoare_div, which is similar to triple_div, except with hoare instead of triple, and with a precondition named H for describing the input state.

Proofs for Primitive Operations Operating on the State

The proofs for establishing the Separation Logic reasoning rules for ref, get and set follow a similar proof pattern, that is, they go through the proofs of rules for Hoare triples.
Unlike before, however, the Hoare triples are not directly established with respect to the big-step evaluation rules. Instead, we start by proving corollaries to the big-step rules to reformulate them in a way that give already them a flavor of "Separation Logic". Concretely, we reformulate the evaluation rules, which are expressed in terms of read and updates in finite maps, to be expressed instead entirely in terms of disjoint unions.
The introduction of these disjoint union operations then significantly eases the justification of the separating conjunctions that appear in the targeted Separation Logic triples.
In this section, the constructor hval_val appears. This constructor converts a "value" into a "heap value". For the purpose, of this file, the two notion are identical. Yet, to allow for generalization to the semantics of allocation by blocks, we need to assume that states are finite maps from location to heap values. Heap values, of type hval, can be assumed to be defined by the following inductive data type.
    Inductive hval : Type :=
      | hval_val : valhval.

Read in a Reference

The big-step rule for get p requires that p be in the domain of the current state s, and asserts that the output value is the result of reading in s at location p.
Parameter eval_get : v s p,
  Fmap.indom s p s p = v
  eval s (val_get (val_loc p)) s v.
We reformulate this rule by isolating from the current state s the singleton heap made of the cell at location p, and let s2 denote the rest of the heap. When the singleton heap is described as Fmap.single p v, then v is the result value returned by get p.
Lemma eval_get_sep : s s2 p v,
  s = Fmap.union (Fmap.single p v) s2
  eval s (val_get (val_loc p)) s v.
The proof of this lemma is of little interest. We show it only to demonstrate that it relies only a few basic facts related to finite maps.
Proof using.
  introv →. forwards Dv: Fmap.indom_single p v.
  applys eval_get.
  { applys* Fmap.indom_union_l. }
  { rewrite* Fmap.read_union_l. rewrite* Fmap.read_single. }
Our goal is to establish the triple:
    triple (val_get p)
      (p ~~> v)
      (fun r\[r = v] \* (p ~~> v)).
Establishing this lemma requires us to reason about propositions of the form (\[P] \* H) h and (p ~~> v) h. To that end, recall lemma hstar_hpure_l, which was already exploited in the proof of triple_add, and recall hsingle_inv from Hprop.
Parameter hsingle_inv: p v h,
  (p ~~> v) h
  h = Fmap.single p v.
We establish the specification of get first w.r.t. to the hoare judgment.
Lemma hoare_get : H v p,
  hoare (val_get p)
    ((p ~~> v) \* H)
    (fun r\[r = v] \* (p ~~> v) \* H).
Proof using.
  (* 1. We unfold the definition of hoare. *)
  intros. intros s K0.
  (* 2. We provide the witnesses for the reduction,
        as dictated by eval_get_sep. *)

   s v. split.
  { (* 3. To justify the reduction using eval_get_sep, we need to
          argue that the state s decomposes as a singleton heap
          Fmap.single p v and the rest of the state s2. This is
          obtained by eliminating the star in hypothesis K0. *)

    destruct K0 as (s1&s2&P1&P2&D&U).
    (* 4. Inverting (p ~~> v) h1 simplifies the goal. *)
    lets E1: hsingle_inv P1. subst s1.
    (* 5. At this point, the goal matches exactly eval_get_sep. *)
    applys eval_get_sep U. }
  { (* 6. To establish the postcondition, we check the pure fact
          \v = v, and check that the state, which has not changed,
          satisfies the same heap predicate as in the precondition. *)

    rewrite hstar_hpure_l. auto. }
Deriving the Separation Logic triple follows the usual pattern.
Lemma triple_get : v p,
  triple (val_get p)
    (p ~~> v)
    (fun r\[r = v] \* (p ~~> v)).
Proof using.
  intros. intros H'. applys hoare_conseq.
  { applys hoare_get. }
  { xsimpl. }
  { xsimpl. auto. }

Allocation of a Reference

Next, we consider the reasoning rule for operation ref, which involves a proof yet slightly more trickier than that for get and set.
The big-step evaluation rule for ref v extends the initial state s with an extra binding from p to v, for some fresh location p.
Parameter eval_ref : s v p,
  ¬ Fmap.indom s p
  eval s (val_ref v) (Fmap.update s p v) (val_loc p).
Let us reformulate eval_ref to replace references to Fmap.indom and Fmap.update with references to Fmap.single and Fmap.disjoint. Concretely, ref v extends the state from s1 to s1 \u s2, where s2 denotes the singleton heap Fmap.single p v, and with the requirement that Fmap.disjoint s2 s1, to capture freshness.
Lemma eval_ref_sep : s1 s2 v p,
  s2 = Fmap.single p v
  Fmap.disjoint s2 s1
  eval s1 (val_ref v) (Fmap.union s2 s1) (val_loc p).
Proof using.
It is not needed to follow through this proof.
  introvD. forwards Dv: Fmap.indom_single p v.
  rewrite <- Fmap.update_eq_union_single. applys* eval_ref.
  { intros N. applys* Fmap.disjoint_inv_not_indom_both D N. }
In order to apply the rules eval_ref or eval_ref_sep, we need to be able to synthetize fresh locations. The following lemma (from LibSepFmap.v) captures the existence, for any state s, of a (non-null) location p not already bound in s.
Parameter exists_fresh : s,
    p, ¬ Fmap.indom s p p null.
We reformulate the lemma above in a way that better matches the premise of the lemma eval_ref_sep, which we need to apply for establishing the specification of ref.
This reformulation, shown below, asserts that, for any h, there existence a non-null location p such that the singleton heap Fmap.single p v is disjoint from h.
Lemma single_fresh : h v,
   p, Fmap.disjoint (Fmap.single p v) h.
Proof using.
It is not needed to follow through this proof.
  intros. forwards (p&F&N): exists_fresh h.
   p. applys* Fmap.disjoint_single_of_not_indom.
The proof of the Hoare triple for ref is as follows.
Lemma hoare_ref : H v,
  hoare (val_ref v)
    (fun r(\ p, \[r = val_loc p] \* p ~~> v) \* H).
Proof using.
  (* 1. We unfold the definition of hoare. *)
  intros. intros s1 K0.
  (* 2. We claim the disjointness relation
       Fmap.disjoint (Fmap.single p v) s1. *)

  forwards* (p&D): (single_fresh s1 v).
  (* 3. We provide the witnesses for the reduction,
        as dictated by eval_ref_sep. *)

   ((Fmap.single p v) \u s1) (val_loc p). split.
  { (* 4. We exploit eval_ref_sep, which has exactly the desired shape! *)
    applys eval_ref_sep D. auto. }
  { (* 5. We establish the postcondition
          (\ p, \[r = val_loc p] \* p ~~> v) \* H
          by providing p and the relevant pieces of heap. *)

    applys hstar_intro.
    { p. rewrite hstar_hpure_l.
      split. { auto. } { applys¬hsingle_intro. } }
    { applys K0. }
    { applys D. } }
We then derive the Separation Logic triple as usual.
Lemma triple_ref : v,
  triple (val_ref v)
    (funloc p p ~~> v).
Proof using.
  intros. intros H'. applys hoare_conseq.
  { applys hoare_ref. }
  { xsimpl. }
  { xsimpl. auto. }

End Proofs.

Optional Material

Reasoning Rules for Recursive Functions

This reasoning rules for functions immediately generalizes to recursive functions. A term describing a recursive function is written trm_fix f x t1, and the corresponding value is written val_fix f x t1.
Parameter triple_fix : f x t1 H Q,
  H ==> Q (val_fix f x t1)
  triple (trm_fix f x t1) H Q.
The reasoning rule that corresponds to beta-reduction for a recursive function involves two substitutions: a first substitution for recursive occurrences of the function, followed with a second substitution for the argument provided to the call.
Parameter triple_app_fix : v1 v2 f x t1 H Q,
  v1 = val_fix f x t1
  triple (subst x v2 (subst f v1 t1)) H Q
  triple (trm_app v1 v2) H Q.

Other Proofs of Reasoning Rules for Terms

Module ProofsContinued.

Proof of triple_fun and triple_fix

The proofs for triple_fun and triple_fix are essentially identical to that of triple_val, so we do not include them here.

Proof of triple_if

Recall the reasoning rule for conditionals. Recall that this rule is stated by factorizing the premises.
Lemma eval_if : s1 s2 b v t1 t2,
  eval s1 (if b then t1 else t2) s2 v
  eval s1 (trm_if b t1 t2) s2 v.
Proof using.
  intros. case_if; applys eval_if; auto_false.
The reasoning rule for conditional w.r.t. Hoare triples is as follows.
Lemma hoare_if_case : b t1 t2 H Q,
  (b = true hoare t1 H Q)
  (b = false hoare t2 H Q)
  hoare (trm_if b t1 t2) H Q.
Proof using.
  introv M1 M2. intros s K0. destruct b.
  { forwards* (s1'&v1&R1&K1): (rm M1) K0.
     s1' v1. split*. { applys* eval_if. } }
  { forwards* (s1'&v1&R1&K1): (rm M2) K0.
     s1' v1. split*. { applys* eval_if. } }
The corresponding Separation Logic reasoning rule is as follows.
Lemma triple_if_case : b t1 t2 H Q,
  (b = true triple t1 H Q)
  (b = false triple t2 H Q)
  triple (trm_if (val_bool b) t1 t2) H Q.
Proof using.
  unfold triple. introv M1 M2. intros H'.
  applys hoare_if_case; intros Eb.
  { applys* M1. }
  { applys* M2. }
Observe that the above proofs contain a fair amount of duplication, due to the symmetry between the b = true and b = false branches.
If we state the reasoning rules using Coq's conditional just like it appears in the evaluation rule eval_if, we can better factorize the proof script.
Lemma hoare_if : (b:bool) t1 t2 H Q,
  hoare (if b then t1 else t2) H Q
  hoare (trm_if b t1 t2) H Q.
Proof using.
  introv M1. intros s K0.
  forwards (s'&v&R1&K1): (rm M1) K0.
   s' v. split. { applys eval_if R1. } { applys K1. }

Lemma triple_if : b t1 t2 H Q,
  triple (if b then t1 else t2) H Q
  triple (trm_if (val_bool b) t1 t2) H Q.
Proof using.
  unfold triple. introv M1. intros H'. applys hoare_if. applys M1.

Proof of triple_app_fun

The reasoning rule for an application asserts that the a pre- and poscondition hold for a beta-redex (val_fun x t1) v2 provided that they hold for the term subst x v2 t1.
This result follows directly from the big-step evaluation rule for applications.
Parameter eval_app_fun : s1 s2 v1 v2 x t1 v,
  v1 = val_fun x t1
  eval s1 (subst x v2 t1) s2 v
  eval s1 (trm_app v1 v2) s2 v.

Exercise: 2 stars, standard, optional (hoare_app_fun)

Prove the lemma hoare_app_fun.
Lemma hoare_app_fun : v1 v2 x t1 H Q,
  v1 = val_fun x t1
  hoare (subst x v2 t1) H Q
  hoare (trm_app v1 v2) H Q.
Proof using. (* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted.

Exercise: 2 stars, standard, optional (triple_app_fun)

Prove the lemma triple_app_fun.
Lemma triple_app_fun : x v1 v2 t1 H Q,
  v1 = val_fun x t1
  triple (subst x v2 t1) H Q
  triple (trm_app v1 v2) H Q.
Proof using. (* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted.

Deallocation of a Reference

Optional contents: this section may be safely skipped.
Last, we consider the reasoning rule for operation free. We leave this one as exercise.
Recall the big-step evaluation rule for free p.
Parameter eval_free : s p,
  Fmap.indom s p
  eval s (val_set (val_loc p)) (Fmap.remove s p) val_unit.
Let us reformulate eval_free to replace references to Fmap.indom and Fmap.remove with references to Fmap.single and Fmap.union and Fmap.disjoint. The details are not essential, thus omitted.

Exercise: 3 stars, standard, optional (hoare_free)

Prove the Hoare triple for the operation free. Hint: exploit the lemma eval_free_sep.
Lemma hoare_free : H p v,
  hoare (val_free (val_loc p))
    ((p ~~> v) \* H)
    (fun _H).
Proof using. (* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted.

Exercise: 1 star, standard, optional (triple_free)

Derive from the Hoare triple for the operation free the corresponding Separation Logic triple. Hint: adapt the proof of lemma triple_set.
Lemma triple_free : p v,
  triple (val_free (val_loc p))
    (p ~~> v)
    (fun _\[]).
Proof using. (* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted.

Write in a Reference

The big-step evaluation rule for set p v updates the initial state s by re-binding the location p to the value v. The location p must already belong to the domain of s.
Parameter eval_set : m p v,
   Fmap.indom m p
   eval m (val_set (val_loc p) v) (Fmap.update m p v) val_unit.
As for get, we first reformulate this lemma, to replace references to Fmap.indom and Fmap.update with references to Fmap.union, Fmap.single, and Fmap.disjoint, to prepare for the introduction of separating conjunctions.
It is not needed to follow through this proof.
  introv → → D. forwards Dv: Fmap.indom_single p v1.
  applys_eq eval_set.
  { rewrite* Fmap.update_union_l. f_equal.
    rewrite* Fmap.update_single. }
  { applys* Fmap.indom_union_l. }
The proof of the Hoare rule for set makes use of the following fact (from LibSepFmap.v) about Fmap.disjoint: when one of its argument is a singleton map, the value stored in that singleton map is irrelevant.
    Check Fmap.disjoint_single_set : p v1 v2 h2,
      Fmap.disjoint (Fmap.single p v1) h2
      Fmap.disjoint (Fmap.single p v2) h2.

Exercise: 5 stars, standard, optional (hoare_set)

Prove the lemma hoare_set. Hints:
  • exploit the evaluation rule eval_set_sep presented above,
  • exploit the lemma Fmap.disjoint_single_set presented above,
  • to obtain an elegant proof, prefer invoking the lemmas hsingle_intro, hsingle_inv, hstar_intro, and hstar_inv, rather than unfolding the definitions of hstar and hsingle.
Lemma hoare_set : H v p v',
  hoare (val_set (val_loc p) v)
    ((p ~~> v') \* H)
    (fun _(p ~~> v) \* H).
Proof using. (* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted.
We then derive the Separation Logic triple as usual.
Lemma triple_set : w p v,
  triple (val_set (val_loc p) w)
    (p ~~> v)
    (fun _p ~~> w).
Proof using.
  intros. intros H'. applys hoare_set.

End ProofsContinued.

Proofs Revisited using the triple_of_hoare Lemma

The proof that, e.g., triple_add is a consequence of hoare_add follows the same pattern as many other similar proofs, each time invoking the lemma hoare_conseq. Thus, we could attempt at factorizing this proof pattern. The following lemma corresponds to such an attempt.

Exercise: 2 stars, standard, optional (triple_of_hoare)

Prove the lemma triple_of_hoare stated below.
Lemma triple_of_hoare : t H Q,
  ( H', Q', hoare t (H \* H') Q'
                      Q' ===> Q \*+ H')
  triple t H Q.
Proof using. (* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted.

Exercise: 2 stars, standard, optional (triple_add')

Prove that triple_add is a consequence of hoare_add by exploiting triple_of_hoare.
Lemma triple_add' : n1 n2,
  triple (val_add n1 n2)
    (fun r\[r = val_int (n1 + n2)]).
Proof using. (* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted.

Triple for Terms with Same Semantics

A general principle is that if t1 has the same semantics as t2 (w.r.t. the big-step evaluation judgment eval), then t1 and t2 satisfy the same triples.
Let us formalize this principle.
Two (closed) terms are semantically equivalent, written trm_equiv t1 t2, if two terms, when evaluated in the same state, produce the same output.
Definition trm_equiv (t1 t2:trm) : Prop :=
   s s' v, eval s t1 s' v eval s t2 s' v.
Two terms that are equivalent satisfy the same Separation Logic triples (and the same Hoare triples).
Indeed, the definition of a Separation Logic triple directly depends on the notion of Hoare triple, and the latter directly depends on the semantics captured by the predicate eval.
Let us formalize the result in three steps.
eval_like t1 t2 asserts that t2 evaluates like t1. In particular, this relation hold whenever t2 reduces in small-step to t1.
Definition eval_like (t1 t2:trm) : Prop :=
   s s' v, eval s t1 s' v eval s t2 s' v.
For example eval_like t (trm_let x t x) holds, reflecting the fact that let x = t in x reduces in small-step to t.
Lemma eval_like_eta_reduction : (t:trm) (x:var),
  eval_like t (trm_let x t x).
Proof using.
  introv R. applys eval_let R.
  simpl. rewrite var_eq_spec. case_if. applys eval_val.
It turns out that the symmetric relation eval_like (trm_let x t x) t also holds: the term t does not exhibit more behaviors than those of let x = t in x.
Lemma eval_like_eta_expansion : (t:trm) (x:var),
  eval_like (trm_let x t x) t.
Proof using.
  introv R. inverts R as. introv R1 R2.
  simpl in R2. rewrite var_eq_spec in R2. case_if.
  inverts R2. auto.
We deduce that a term t denotes a program equivalent to the program let x = t in x.
Lemma trm_equiv_eta : (t:trm) (x:var),
  trm_equiv t (trm_let x t x).
Proof using.
  intros. intros s s' v. iff M.
  { applys eval_like_eta_reduction M. }
  { applys eval_like_eta_expansion M. }
If eval_like t1 t2, then any triple that holds for t1 also holds for t2.
Lemma hoare_eval_like : t1 t2 H Q,
  eval_like t1 t2
  hoare t1 H Q
  hoare t2 H Q.
Proof using.
  introv E M1 K0. forwards (s'&v&R1&K1): M1 K0.
   s' v. split. { applys E R1. } { applys K1. }

Lemma triple_eval_like : t1 t2 H Q,
  eval_like t1 t2
  triple t1 H Q
  triple t2 H Q.
Proof using.
  introv E M1. intros H'. applys hoare_eval_like E. applys M1.
It follows that if two terms are equivalent, then they admit the same triples.
Lemma triple_trm_equiv : t1 t2 H Q,
  trm_equiv t1 t2
  triple t1 H Q triple t2 H Q.
Proof using.
  introv E. unfolds trm_equiv. iff M.
  { applys triple_eval_like M. introv R. applys* E. }
  { applys triple_eval_like M. introv R. applys* E. }
The reasoning rule triple_eval_like has a number of practical applications. One, show below, is to revisit the proof of triple_app_fun in a much more succint way, by arguing that trm_app (val_fun x t1) v2 and subst x v2 t1 are equivalent terms, hence they admit the same behavior.
Lemma triple_app_fun : x v1 v2 t1 H Q,
  v1 = val_fun x t1
  triple (subst x v2 t1) H Q
  triple (trm_app v1 v2) H Q.
Proof using.
  introv E M1. applys triple_eval_like M1.
  introv R. applys eval_app_fun E R.
Another application is the following rule, which allows to modify the parenthesis structure of a sequence.

Exercise: 3 stars, standard, optional (triple_trm_seq_assoc)

Prove that the term t1; (t2; t3) satisfies the same triples as the term (t1;t2); t3.
Lemma triple_trm_seq_assoc : t1 t2 t3 H Q,
  triple (trm_seq (trm_seq t1 t2) t3) H Q
  triple (trm_seq t1 (trm_seq t2 t3)) H Q.
Proof using. (* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted.
Such a change in the parenthesis structure of a sequence can be helfpul to apply the frame rule around t1;t2, for example.
Another useful application of the lemma triple_eval_like appears in chapter Affine, for proving the equivalence of two versions of the garbage collection rule.

Alternative Specification Style for Result Values.

Module MatchStyle.
Recall the specification for the function ref.
Parameter triple_ref : v,
  triple (val_ref v)
    (fun r\ p, \[r = val_loc p] \* p ~~> v).
Its postcondition could be equivalently stated by using, instead of an existential quantifier \, a pattern matching.
Parameter triple_ref' : v,
  triple (val_ref v)
    (fun rmatch r with
              | val_loc p ⇒ (p ~~> v)
              | _\[False]
However, the pattern-matching presentation is less readable and would be fairly cumbersome to work with in practice. Thus, we systematically prefer using existentials.
End MatchStyle.

Historical Notes

[Gordon 1989] presents the first mechanization of Hoare logic in a proof assistant, using the HOL tool. Gordon's pioneering work was followed by numerous formalizations of Hoare logic, targeting various programming languages.
The original presentation of Separation Logic (1999-2001) consists of a set of rules written down on paper. These rules were not formally described in a proof assistant. Nevertheless, mechanized presentation of Separation Logic emerged a few years later.
[Yu, Hamid, and Shao 2003] present the CAP framework for the verification in Coq of assembly-level code. This framework exploits separation logic style specifications, with predicate for lists and list segments involving the separating conjunction operator.
In parallel, [Weber 2004], advised by Nipkow, developed the first mechanization of the rules of Separation Logic for a while language, using the Isabelle/HOL tool. His presentation is quite close from the original, paper presentation.
Numerous mechanized presentations of Separation Logic, targeting various languages (assembly, C, core-Java, ML, etc.) and using various tools (Isabelle/HOL, Coq, PVS, HOL4, HOL). For a detailed list, as of 2020, we refer to Section 10.3 from the paper:
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