RichAssertions, Loops, N-ary Functions
Set Implicit Arguments.
From SLF Require Import LibSepReference LibSepTLCbuffer.
From SLF Require Basic Repr.
Implicit Types P : Prop.
Implicit Types H : hprop.
Implicit Types Q : val→hprop.
Implicit Type p q : loc.
Implicit Type k : nat.
Implicit Type i n : int.
Implicit Type v : val.
Implicit Types b : bool.
Implicit Types L : list val.
From SLF Require Import LibSepReference LibSepTLCbuffer.
From SLF Require Basic Repr.
Implicit Types P : Prop.
Implicit Types H : hprop.
Implicit Types Q : val→hprop.
Implicit Type p q : loc.
Implicit Type k : nat.
Implicit Type i n : int.
Implicit Type v : val.
Implicit Types b : bool.
Implicit Types L : list val.
First Pass
- assertions,
- if-statements that are not in A-normal form (needed for loops)
- while-loops,
- n-ary functions (bonus contents).
- assertions may access to mutable data,
- assertions may perform local side-effects,
- the program remains correct whether assertions are executed or not.
- native n-ary functions, e.g., function(x, y) { t } in C syntax;
- curried functions, e.g., fun x ⇒ fun y ⇒ t in OCaml syntax;
- tupled functions, e.g., fun (x,y) ⇒ t in OCaml syntax.
Assume an additional primitive operation, allowing to write terms
of the form val_assert t, to dynamically check at runtime that the
term t produces the boolean value true, equivalently to the
OCaml expression assert(t).
The reasoning rule for assertions should ensure that:
Let us introduce a boolean flag to control the evaluation of
assertions. The value of this flag is purposely left unspecified.
- the body of the assertion always evaluates to true,
- the program remains correct if the assertion is not evaluated.
The program should be correct for both possible values of
evaluate_assertions. The semantics of the evaluation of assertions
is formally captured by the following two rules.
- The rule eval_assert_enabled applies when evaluate_assertions is set to true. The rule describes the evaluation of the body of the assertion, and the check that the output value is true.
- The rule eval_assert_disabled applies when evaluate_assertions is set to false. The rule totally ignores the body of the assertion. It treats the assertion as immediately returning the unit value, in the current state.
Parameter eval_assert_enabled : ∀ s t s',
evaluate_assertions = true →
eval s t s' (val_bool true) →
eval s (val_assert t) s' val_unit.
Parameter eval_assert_disabled : ∀ s t,
evaluate_assertions = false →
eval s (val_assert t) s val_unit.
evaluate_assertions = true →
eval s t s' (val_bool true) →
eval s (val_assert t) s' val_unit.
Parameter eval_assert_disabled : ∀ s t,
evaluate_assertions = false →
eval s (val_assert t) s val_unit.
Note that it might be tempting to consider a "unifying" evaluation rule
that evaluates the body of the assertion, checks that the result is true,
and, moreover, imposes that the assertion does not modify the state.
Parameter eval_assert_no_effect : ∀ s t v,
eval s t s (val_bool true) →
eval s (val_assert t) s val_unit.
eval s t s (val_bool true) →
eval s (val_assert t) s val_unit.
Yet, such a rule would be overly restrictive, for two reasons. First, it
might be useful for an assertion to allocate local data for evaluating
a particular property. Second, there are useful examples of assertions
that do modify existing cells from the heap. For example, an assertion
that appears in real programs is assert (find x = find y), where the
find operation finds the representative of a node from a Union-Find
data structure, an operation that performs path compression.
At this point, our goal is to state a reasoning rule for val_assert t
that does not depend on the value of the boolean flag evaluate_assertions.
In other words, we are seeking for a rule that is correct both with respect
to eval_assert_enabled and with respect to eval_assert_disabled.
Consider the evaluation of val_assert t in a state described by H.
The output state should still be described by H, although the internal
representation of the state might have changed (e.g., for path compression
in the case of a Union-Find data structure). The body of the assertion
should evaluate correctly in a state described by H, and should return
the value true, in an output state still described by H.
As usual for primitive operations, we first establish a rule for
Hoare triples, then deduce a rule for Separation Logic triples.
Lemma hoare_assert : ∀ t H,
hoare t H (fun r ⇒ \[r = true] \* H) →
hoare (val_assert t) H (fun _ ⇒ H).
Proof using.
introv M. intros s K. forwards (s'&v&R&N): M K.
rewrite hstar_hpure_l in N. destruct N as (->&K').
(* There are two cases, depending on whether assertions are evaluated. *)
case_eq evaluate_assertions; intros C.
(* Case 1: assertions are enabled. *)
{ ∃ s' val_unit. split.
{ applys eval_assert_enabled C R. }
{ applys K'. } }
(* Case 2: assertions are disabled. *)
{ ∃ s val_unit. split.
{ applys eval_assert_disabled C. }
{ applys K. } }
Lemma triple_assert : ∀ t H,
triple t H (fun r ⇒ \[r = true] \* H) →
triple (val_assert t) H (fun _ ⇒ H).
Proof using.
introv M. intros H'. specializes M H'. applys hoare_assert.
applys hoare_conseq M. { xsimpl. } { xsimpl. auto. }
End Assertions.
hoare t H (fun r ⇒ \[r = true] \* H) →
hoare (val_assert t) H (fun _ ⇒ H).
Proof using.
introv M. intros s K. forwards (s'&v&R&N): M K.
rewrite hstar_hpure_l in N. destruct N as (->&K').
(* There are two cases, depending on whether assertions are evaluated. *)
case_eq evaluate_assertions; intros C.
(* Case 1: assertions are enabled. *)
{ ∃ s' val_unit. split.
{ applys eval_assert_enabled C R. }
{ applys K'. } }
(* Case 2: assertions are disabled. *)
{ ∃ s val_unit. split.
{ applys eval_assert_disabled C. }
{ applys K. } }
Lemma triple_assert : ∀ t H,
triple t H (fun r ⇒ \[r = true] \* H) →
triple (val_assert t) H (fun _ ⇒ H).
Proof using.
introv M. intros H'. specializes M H'. applys hoare_assert.
applys hoare_conseq M. { xsimpl. } { xsimpl. auto. }
End Assertions.
Semantics of Conditionals not in Administrative Normal Form
Parameter eval_if_trm : ∀ s1 s2 s3 v0 v t0 t1 t2,
eval s1 t0 s2 v0 →
eval s2 (trm_if v0 t1 t2) s3 v →
eval s1 (trm_if t0 t1 t2) s3 v.
eval s1 t0 s2 v0 →
eval s2 (trm_if v0 t1 t2) s3 v →
eval s1 (trm_if t0 t1 t2) s3 v.
With respect to this evaluation rule eval_if_trm, we can prove a
correpsonding reasoning rule. We first state it in Hoare-logic, then
in Separation Logic, following the usual proof pattern.
Lemma hoare_if_trm : ∀ Q' t0 t1 t2 H Q,
hoare t0 H Q' →
(∀ v, hoare (trm_if v t1 t2) (Q' v) Q) →
hoare (trm_if t0 t1 t2) H Q.
Proof using.
introv M1 M2. intros s1 K1. lets (s2&v0&R2&K2): M1 K1.
forwards (s3&v&R3&K3): M2 K2. ∃ s3 v. splits.
{ applys eval_if_trm R2 R3. }
{ applys K3. }
Lemma triple_if_trm : ∀ Q' t0 t1 t2 H Q,
triple t0 H Q' →
(∀ v, triple (trm_if v t1 t2) (Q' v) Q) →
triple (trm_if t0 t1 t2) H Q.
Proof using.
introv M1 M2. intros HF. applys hoare_if_trm (Q' \*+ HF).
{ applys hoare_conseq. applys M1 HF. { xsimpl. } { xsimpl. } }
{ intros v. applys M2. }
hoare t0 H Q' →
(∀ v, hoare (trm_if v t1 t2) (Q' v) Q) →
hoare (trm_if t0 t1 t2) H Q.
Proof using.
introv M1 M2. intros s1 K1. lets (s2&v0&R2&K2): M1 K1.
forwards (s3&v&R3&K3): M2 K2. ∃ s3 v. splits.
{ applys eval_if_trm R2 R3. }
{ applys K3. }
Lemma triple_if_trm : ∀ Q' t0 t1 t2 H Q,
triple t0 H Q' →
(∀ v, triple (trm_if v t1 t2) (Q' v) Q) →
triple (trm_if t0 t1 t2) H Q.
Proof using.
introv M1 M2. intros HF. applys hoare_if_trm (Q' \*+ HF).
{ applys hoare_conseq. applys M1 HF. { xsimpl. } { xsimpl. } }
{ intros v. applys M2. }
The reasoning rule can also be reformulated in weakest-precondition form.
The rule below generalizes the rule wp_if.
Lemma wp_if_trm : ∀ t0 t1 t2 Q,
wp t0 (fun v ⇒ wp (trm_if v t1 t2) Q) ==> wp (trm_if t0 t1 t2) Q.
Proof using.
intros. unfold wp. xsimpl; intros H M H'. applys hoare_if_trm.
{ applys M. }
{ intros v. simpl. rewrite hstar_hexists. applys hoare_hexists. intros HF.
rewrite (hstar_comm HF). rewrite hstar_assoc. applys hoare_hpure.
intros N. applys N. }
wp t0 (fun v ⇒ wp (trm_if v t1 t2) Q) ==> wp (trm_if t0 t1 t2) Q.
Proof using.
intros. unfold wp. xsimpl; intros H M H'. applys hoare_if_trm.
{ applys M. }
{ intros v. simpl. rewrite hstar_hexists. applys hoare_hexists. intros HF.
rewrite (hstar_comm HF). rewrite hstar_assoc. applys hoare_hpure.
intros N. applys N. }
Assume the grammar of term to be extended with a loop construct
trm_while t1 t2, corresponding to the OCaml expression
while t1 do t2, and written While t1 Do t2 Done in our
example programs.
Parameter trm_while : trm → trm → trm.
Notation "'while' t1 'do' t2 'done'" :=
(trm_while t1 t2)
(in custom trm at level 0,
t1 custom trm at level 99,
t2 custom trm at level 99,
format "'[v' 'while' t1 'do' '/' '[' t2 ']' '/' 'done' ']'")
: trm_scope.
Notation "'while' t1 'do' t2 'done'" :=
(trm_while t1 t2)
(in custom trm at level 0,
t1 custom trm at level 99,
t2 custom trm at level 99,
format "'[v' 'while' t1 'do' '/' '[' t2 ']' '/' 'done' ']'")
: trm_scope.
The semantics of this loop construct can be described in terms of the
one-step unfolding of the loop: while t1 do t2 is a term that
behaves exactly like the term if t1 then (t2; while t1 do t2) else ().
Parameter eval_while : ∀ s1 s2 t1 t2 v,
eval s1 (trm_if t1 (trm_seq t2 (trm_while t1 t2)) val_unit) s2 v →
eval s1 (trm_while t1 t2) s2 v.
eval s1 (trm_if t1 (trm_seq t2 (trm_while t1 t2)) val_unit) s2 v →
eval s1 (trm_while t1 t2) s2 v.
This evaluation rule translates directly into a reasoning rule:
to prove a triple for the term while t1 do t2, it suffices to
prove a triple for the term if t1 then (t2; while t1 do t2) else ().
There is a catch in that reasoning principle, namely the fact that
the loop while t1 do t2 appears again inside the term
if t1 then (t2; while t1 do t2) else (). Nevertheless, this is not
a problem if the user is carrying out a proof by induction. In that
case, an induction hypothesis about the behavior of while t1 do t2
is available. We show an example proof further on.
For the moment, let us state the reasoning rules.
Lemma hoare_while : ∀ t1 t2 H Q,
hoare (trm_if t1 (trm_seq t2 (trm_while t1 t2)) val_unit) H Q →
hoare (trm_while t1 t2) H Q.
Proof using.
introv M K. forwards* (s'&v&R1&K1): M.
∃ s' v. splits*. { applys* eval_while. }
Lemma triple_while : ∀ t1 t2 H Q,
triple (trm_if t1 (trm_seq t2 (trm_while t1 t2)) val_unit) H Q →
triple (trm_while t1 t2) H Q.
Proof using.
introv M. intros H'. apply hoare_while. applys* M.
Lemma wp_while : ∀ t1 t2 Q,
wp (trm_if t1 (trm_seq t2 (trm_while t1 t2)) val_unit) Q
==> wp (trm_while t1 t2) Q.
Proof using.
intros. repeat unfold wp. xsimpl; intros H M H'.
applys hoare_while. applys M.
hoare (trm_if t1 (trm_seq t2 (trm_while t1 t2)) val_unit) H Q →
hoare (trm_while t1 t2) H Q.
Proof using.
introv M K. forwards* (s'&v&R1&K1): M.
∃ s' v. splits*. { applys* eval_while. }
Lemma triple_while : ∀ t1 t2 H Q,
triple (trm_if t1 (trm_seq t2 (trm_while t1 t2)) val_unit) H Q →
triple (trm_while t1 t2) H Q.
Proof using.
introv M. intros H'. apply hoare_while. applys* M.
Lemma wp_while : ∀ t1 t2 Q,
wp (trm_if t1 (trm_seq t2 (trm_while t1 t2)) val_unit) Q
==> wp (trm_while t1 t2) Q.
Proof using.
intros. repeat unfold wp. xsimpl; intros H M H'.
applys hoare_while. applys M.
Separation-Logic-friendly Reasoning Rule for While-Loops
Lemma triple_while_inv_not_framable :
∀ (A:Type) (I:bool→A→hprop) (R:A→A→Prop) t1 t2,
wf R →
(∀ b X, triple t1 (I b X) (fun r ⇒ \∃ b', \[r = b'] \* I b' X)) →
(∀ b X, triple t2 (I b X) (fun _ ⇒ \∃ b' Y, \[R Y X] \* I b' Y)) →
triple (trm_while t1 t2) (\∃ b X, I b X) (fun r ⇒ \∃ Y, I false Y).
Proof using.
introv WR M1 M2. applys triple_hexists. intros b.
applys triple_hexists. intros X.
gen b. induction_wf IH: WR X. intros. applys triple_while.
applys triple_if_trm (fun (r:val) ⇒ \∃ b', \[r = b'] \* I b' X).
{ applys M1. }
{ intros v. applys triple_hexists. intros b'. applys triple_hpure. intros →.
applys triple_if. case_if.
{ applys triple_seq.
{ applys M2. }
{ applys triple_hexists. intros b''. applys triple_hexists. intros Y.
applys triple_hpure. intros HR. applys IH HR. } }
{ applys triple_val. xsimpl. } }
∀ (A:Type) (I:bool→A→hprop) (R:A→A→Prop) t1 t2,
wf R →
(∀ b X, triple t1 (I b X) (fun r ⇒ \∃ b', \[r = b'] \* I b' X)) →
(∀ b X, triple t2 (I b X) (fun _ ⇒ \∃ b' Y, \[R Y X] \* I b' Y)) →
triple (trm_while t1 t2) (\∃ b X, I b X) (fun r ⇒ \∃ Y, I false Y).
Proof using.
introv WR M1 M2. applys triple_hexists. intros b.
applys triple_hexists. intros X.
gen b. induction_wf IH: WR X. intros. applys triple_while.
applys triple_if_trm (fun (r:val) ⇒ \∃ b', \[r = b'] \* I b' X).
{ applys M1. }
{ intros v. applys triple_hexists. intros b'. applys triple_hpure. intros →.
applys triple_if. case_if.
{ applys triple_seq.
{ applys M2. }
{ applys triple_hexists. intros b''. applys triple_hexists. intros Y.
applys triple_hpure. intros HR. applys IH HR. } }
{ applys triple_val. xsimpl. } }
The above rule is correct yet limited, because it precludes the possibility
to apply the frame rule "over the remaining iterations of the loop".
This possibility can be exploited by carrying a proof by induction and
invoking the rule triple_while, which unfolds the loop body. In that
scheme, the frame rule can be applied to the term while t1 do t2 that
occurs in the if t1 then (t2; (while t1 do t2)) else ().
We can reduce the noise associated with applying the rule triple_while
by assigning a name, say t, to denote the term while t1 do t2.
The correpsonding rule, shown below, asserts that t admits the same
behavior as the term if t1 then (t2; t) else ().
Lemma triple_while' : ∀ t1 t2 H Q,
(∀ t,
(∀ H' Q', triple (trm_if t1 (trm_seq t2 t) val_unit) H' Q' →
triple t H' Q') →
triple t H Q) →
triple (trm_while t1 t2) H Q.
Proof using.
introv M. applys M. introv K. applys triple_while. applys K.
(∀ t,
(∀ H' Q', triple (trm_if t1 (trm_seq t2 t) val_unit) H' Q' →
triple t H' Q') →
triple t H Q) →
triple (trm_while t1 t2) H Q.
Proof using.
introv M. applys M. introv K. applys triple_while. applys K.
The proof scheme that consists of setting up an induction then applying
the reasoning rule triple_while' can be factored into the following lemma,
which is stated using an invariant that appears only in the precondition.
The postcondition is an abstract Q. With this presentation, the rule
features an "invariant", yet it remains possible to invoke the frame rule
over the "remaining iterations" of the loop.
Lemma triple_while_inv :
∀ (A:Type) (I:bool→A→hprop) (R:A→A→Prop) t1 t2,
let Q := (fun r ⇒ \∃ Y, I false Y) in
wf R →
(∀ t b X,
(∀ b' Y, R Y X → triple t (I b' Y) Q) →
triple (trm_if t1 (trm_seq t2 t) val_unit) (I b X) Q) →
triple (trm_while t1 t2) (\∃ b X, I b X) Q.
Proof using.
introv WR M. applys triple_hexists. intros b0.
applys triple_hexists. intros X0.
gen b0. induction_wf IH: WR X0. intros. applys triple_while.
applys M. intros b' Y HR'. applys IH HR'.
∀ (A:Type) (I:bool→A→hprop) (R:A→A→Prop) t1 t2,
let Q := (fun r ⇒ \∃ Y, I false Y) in
wf R →
(∀ t b X,
(∀ b' Y, R Y X → triple t (I b' Y) Q) →
triple (trm_if t1 (trm_seq t2 t) val_unit) (I b X) Q) →
triple (trm_while t1 t2) (\∃ b X, I b X) Q.
Proof using.
introv WR M. applys triple_hexists. intros b0.
applys triple_hexists. intros X0.
gen b0. induction_wf IH: WR X0. intros. applys triple_while.
applys M. intros b' Y HR'. applys IH HR'.
The rule triple_while_inv admits a constrained precondition of the form
(\∃ b X, I b X). To exploit this rule, one almost always needs
to first invoke the consequence-frame rule.
The rule triple_while_inv_conseq_frame, shown below, conveniently bakes in
frame and consequence rules into the statement of triple_while_inv.
Lemma triple_while_inv_conseq_frame :
∀ (A:Type) (I:bool→A→hprop) (R:A→A→Prop) H' t1 t2 H Q,
let Q' := (fun r ⇒ \∃ Y, I false Y) in
wf R →
(H ==> (\∃ b X, I b X) \* H') →
(∀ t b X,
(∀ b' Y, R Y X → triple t (I b' Y) Q') →
triple (trm_if t1 (trm_seq t2 t) val_unit) (I b X) Q') →
Q' \*+ H' ===> Q →
triple (trm_while t1 t2) H Q.
Proof using.
introv WR WH M WQ. applys triple_conseq_frame WH WQ.
applys triple_while_inv WR M.
∀ (A:Type) (I:bool→A→hprop) (R:A→A→Prop) H' t1 t2 H Q,
let Q' := (fun r ⇒ \∃ Y, I false Y) in
wf R →
(H ==> (\∃ b X, I b X) \* H') →
(∀ t b X,
(∀ b' Y, R Y X → triple t (I b' Y) Q') →
triple (trm_if t1 (trm_seq t2 t) val_unit) (I b X) Q') →
Q' \*+ H' ===> Q →
triple (trm_while t1 t2) H Q.
Proof using.
introv WR WH M WQ. applys triple_conseq_frame WH WQ.
applys triple_while_inv WR M.
The above rule can be equivalently reformulated in weakest-precondition
Lemma wp_while_inv_conseq :
∀ (A:Type) (I:bool→A→hprop) (R:A→A→Prop) t1 t2,
let Q := (fun r ⇒ \∃ Y, I false Y) in
wf R →
(\∃ b X, I b X)
\* \[∀ t b X,
(∀ b' Y, R Y X → (I b' Y) ==> wp t Q) →
(I b X) ==> wp (trm_if t1 (trm_seq t2 t) val_unit) Q]
==> wp (trm_while t1 t2) Q.
Proof using.
introv WR. sets H: (\∃ b X, I b X). xpull. intros M.
rewrite wp_equiv. applys triple_while_inv WR.
introv N. rewrite <- wp_equiv. applys M.
introv HR. rewrite wp_equiv. applys N HR.
∀ (A:Type) (I:bool→A→hprop) (R:A→A→Prop) t1 t2,
let Q := (fun r ⇒ \∃ Y, I false Y) in
wf R →
(\∃ b X, I b X)
\* \[∀ t b X,
(∀ b' Y, R Y X → (I b' Y) ==> wp t Q) →
(I b X) ==> wp (trm_if t1 (trm_seq t2 t) val_unit) Q]
==> wp (trm_while t1 t2) Q.
Proof using.
introv WR. sets H: (\∃ b X, I b X). xpull. intros M.
rewrite wp_equiv. applys triple_while_inv WR.
introv N. rewrite <- wp_equiv. applys M.
introv HR. rewrite wp_equiv. applys N HR.
In the previous section, we have focused on while loops and presented
encodings, evaluation rules, and reasoning rules. In this section, we
present a similar construction for for-loops.
A for loop takes the form trm_for x n1 n2 t3, matching the OCaml
syntax for x = n1 to n2 do t3 done. We assume the bounds n1 and n2
to be already evaluated to integers---i.e., we assume A-normal form.
Parameter trm_for : var → trm → trm → trm → trm.
Notation "'for' x '=' t1 'to' t2 'do' t3 'done'" :=
(trm_for x t1 t2 t3)
(in custom trm at level 0,
x at level 0,
t1 custom trm at level 99,
t2 custom trm at level 99,
t3 custom trm at level 99,
format "'[v' 'for' x '=' t1 'to' t2 'do' '/' '[' t3 ']' '/' 'done' ']'")
: trm_scope.
Close Scope trm_scope.
Notation "'for' x '=' t1 'to' t2 'do' t3 'done'" :=
(trm_for x t1 t2 t3)
(in custom trm at level 0,
x at level 0,
t1 custom trm at level 99,
t2 custom trm at level 99,
t3 custom trm at level 99,
format "'[v' 'for' x '=' t1 'to' t2 'do' '/' '[' t3 ']' '/' 'done' ']'")
: trm_scope.
Close Scope trm_scope.
The semantics of for x = n1 to n2 do t3 is encoded using a conditional.
If n1 ≤ n2, then we execute the body t3 with x bound to n1 (that
is, subst x n1 t3), and continue with the remainig iterations, which are
described by for x = n1+1 to n2 do t3 done. Eventually, we reach a
situation where n1 > n2. At this point, the loop terminates, and returns
the unit value.
Parameter eval_for : ∀ s1 s2 x n1 n2 t3 v,
eval s1 (trm_if (val_le n1 n2) (trm_seq (trm_let x n1 t3)
(trm_for x (n1+1) n2 t3)) val_unit) s2 v →
eval s1 (trm_for x n1 n2 t3) s2 v.
eval s1 (trm_if (val_le n1 n2) (trm_seq (trm_let x n1 t3)
(trm_for x (n1+1) n2 t3)) val_unit) s2 v →
eval s1 (trm_for x n1 n2 t3) s2 v.
The direct reasoning rules for for-loops w.r.t. Hoare triples and
Separation Logic triples simply unfold the encoding.
Lemma hoare_for : ∀ x n1 n2 t3 H Q,
hoare (trm_if (val_le n1 n2) (trm_seq (trm_let x n1 t3)
(trm_for x (n1+1) n2 t3)) val_unit) H Q →
hoare (trm_for x n1 n2 t3) H Q.
Proof using.
introv M K. forwards* (s'&v&R1&K1): M.
∃ s' v. splits*. { applys* eval_for. }
Lemma triple_for : ∀ x n1 n2 t3 H Q,
triple (trm_if (val_le n1 n2) (trm_seq (trm_let x n1 t3)
(trm_for x (n1+1) n2 t3)) val_unit) H Q →
triple (trm_for x n1 n2 t3) H Q.
Proof using. introv M. intros H'. apply hoare_for. applys* M. Qed.
hoare (trm_if (val_le n1 n2) (trm_seq (trm_let x n1 t3)
(trm_for x (n1+1) n2 t3)) val_unit) H Q →
hoare (trm_for x n1 n2 t3) H Q.
Proof using.
introv M K. forwards* (s'&v&R1&K1): M.
∃ s' v. splits*. { applys* eval_for. }
Lemma triple_for : ∀ x n1 n2 t3 H Q,
triple (trm_if (val_le n1 n2) (trm_seq (trm_let x n1 t3)
(trm_for x (n1+1) n2 t3)) val_unit) H Q →
triple (trm_for x n1 n2 t3) H Q.
Proof using. introv M. intros H'. apply hoare_for. applys* M. Qed.
Just like for while loops, we can reduce the noise associated with applying
the rule triple_for, by pre-processing the encoding based on the
conditional. This rule may be useful for carrying out proofs by induction.
Follow carefully through the proof, as it exhibits reasoning patterns that
are useful for the follow-up exercises.
Lemma triple_for' : ∀ x n1 n2 t3 H Q,
(∀ (tloop:int→trm) (n:int),
(∀ i H' Q',
(If i ≤ n2
then (∃ H1, triple (subst x i t3) H' (fun v ⇒ H1)
∧ triple (tloop (i+1)) H1 Q')
else (H' ==> Q' val_unit)) →
triple (tloop i) H' Q') →
triple (tloop n) H Q) →
triple (trm_for x n1 n2 t3) H Q.
Proof using.
introv M. applys M (fun n ⇒ trm_for x n n2 t3). introv K.
applys triple_for. applys triple_if_trm.
{ applys triple_conseq_frame triple_le. xsimpl. xsimpl. }
{ intros v. applys triple_hpure. intros →. applys triple_if.
do 2 case_if; try solve [ false; math ].
{ forwards (H1&K1&K2):K. applys triple_seq H1.
{ applys triple_let_val. applys K1. }
{ applys K2. } }
{ applys triple_val. applys K. } }
(∀ (tloop:int→trm) (n:int),
(∀ i H' Q',
(If i ≤ n2
then (∃ H1, triple (subst x i t3) H' (fun v ⇒ H1)
∧ triple (tloop (i+1)) H1 Q')
else (H' ==> Q' val_unit)) →
triple (tloop i) H' Q') →
triple (tloop n) H Q) →
triple (trm_for x n1 n2 t3) H Q.
Proof using.
introv M. applys M (fun n ⇒ trm_for x n n2 t3). introv K.
applys triple_for. applys triple_if_trm.
{ applys triple_conseq_frame triple_le. xsimpl. xsimpl. }
{ intros v. applys triple_hpure. intros →. applys triple_if.
do 2 case_if; try solve [ false; math ].
{ forwards (H1&K1&K2):K. applys triple_seq H1.
{ applys triple_let_val. applys K1. }
{ applys K2. } }
{ applys triple_val. applys K. } }
We can derive a simpler rule for the case of loops with no iterations.
Exercise: 4 stars, standard, optional (triple_for_ge)
Prove the specification of for loops in the case where the lower bound of the loop exceeds the upper bound of the loop. Hint: the proof shares similarities with that of triple_for'.
Lemma triple_for_ge : ∀ x n1 n2 t3 H Q,
n1 > n2 →
H ==> Q val_unit →
triple (trm_for x n1 n2 t3) H Q.
Proof using. (* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted.
n1 > n2 →
H ==> Q val_unit →
triple (trm_for x n1 n2 t3) H Q.
Proof using. (* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted.
Exercise: 5 stars, standard, especially useful (triple_for_inv_conseq_frame)
Prove the invariant-based reasoning rule for for-loops. Hint: the proof shares similarities with that of triple_for'.
Lemma triple_for_inv_conseq_frame : ∀ (I:int→hprop) H' x n1 n2 t3 H Q,
n1 ≤ n2+1 →
(H ==> I n1 \* H') →
(∀ i, n1 ≤ i ≤ n2+1 →
triple (subst x i t3) (I i) (fun u ⇒ I (i+1))) →
(fun v ⇒ I (n2+1) \* H') ===> Q →
triple (trm_for x n1 n2 t3) H Q.
Proof using. (* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted.
n1 ≤ n2+1 →
(H ==> I n1 \* H') →
(∀ i, n1 ≤ i ≤ n2+1 →
triple (subst x i t3) (I i) (fun u ⇒ I (i+1))) →
(fun v ⇒ I (n2+1) \* H') ===> Q →
triple (trm_for x n1 n2 t3) H Q.
Proof using. (* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted.
Close Scope wp_scope.
The formula generator wpgen may be extended to take into account
the generalized form if t0 then t1 else t2. The corresponding formula is
wpgen_let (aux t0) (fun v ⇒ mkstruct (wpgen_if v (aux t1) (aux t2)),
where wpgen_let is used to compute the wpgen of the argument of the
conditional, and where wpgen_if is used to compute the wpgen of a
conditional with a argument already evaluated to a value.
This pattern is captured by the auxiliary definition wpgen_if_trm.
Fixpoint wpgen (E:ctx) (t:trm) : hprop :=
mkstruct match t with
| trm_if t0 t1 t2 ⇒ wpgen_if_trm (wpgen t0) (wpgen t1) (wpgen t2)
... where wpgen_if_trm is defined as shown below.
Fixpoint wpgen (E:ctx) (t:trm) : hprop :=
mkstruct match t with
| trm_if t0 t1 t2 ⇒ wpgen_if_trm (wpgen t0) (wpgen t1) (wpgen t2)
... where wpgen_if_trm is defined as shown below.
Definition wpgen_if_trm (F0 F1 F2:formula) : formula :=
wpgen_let F0 (fun v ⇒ mkstruct (wpgen_if v F1 F2)).
wpgen_let F0 (fun v ⇒ mkstruct (wpgen_if v F1 F2)).
The soundness of this extension of wpgen is captured by the
following lemma.
Lemma wpgen_if_trm_sound : ∀ F0 F1 F2 t0 t1 t2,
formula_sound t0 F0 →
formula_sound t1 F1 →
formula_sound t2 F2 →
formula_sound (trm_if t0 t1 t2) (wpgen_if_trm F0 F1 F2).
Proof using.
introv S0 S1 S2. unfold wpgen_if_trm. intros Q. unfold wpgen_let.
applys himpl_trans S0. applys himpl_trans; [ | applys wp_if_trm ].
applys wp_conseq. intros v. applys mkstruct_sound.
intros Q'. applys wpgen_if_sound S1 S2.
formula_sound t0 F0 →
formula_sound t1 F1 →
formula_sound t2 F2 →
formula_sound (trm_if t0 t1 t2) (wpgen_if_trm F0 F1 F2).
Proof using.
introv S0 S1 S2. unfold wpgen_if_trm. intros Q. unfold wpgen_let.
applys himpl_trans S0. applys himpl_trans; [ | applys wp_if_trm ].
applys wp_conseq. intros v. applys mkstruct_sound.
intros Q'. applys wpgen_if_sound S1 S2.
To handle while loops in wpgen, we introduce the auxiliary
definition wpgen_while.
Fixpoint wpgen (E:ctx) (t:trm) : hprop :=
mkstruct match t with
| trm_while t1 t2 ⇒ wpgen_while (wpgen t1) (wpgen t2)
... The definition of wpgen_while quantifies over an abstract formula F, while denotes the behavior of the while loop. The weakest precondition for the loop w.r.t. postcondition Q is described as F Q, or, more precisely mkstruct F Q, to keep track of the fact that F denotes a formula on which one may apply any structural reasoning rule.
To establish that mkstruct F Q is entailed by the heap predicate that
describes the current state, the user is provided with an assumption:
the fact that mkstruct F Q' can be proved from the weakest precondition
of the term if t1 then (t2; t3) else (), where the weakest precondition
of t3, which denotes the recursive call to the loop, is described by F.
Fixpoint wpgen (E:ctx) (t:trm) : hprop :=
mkstruct match t with
| trm_while t1 t2 ⇒ wpgen_while (wpgen t1) (wpgen t2)
... The definition of wpgen_while quantifies over an abstract formula F, while denotes the behavior of the while loop. The weakest precondition for the loop w.r.t. postcondition Q is described as F Q, or, more precisely mkstruct F Q, to keep track of the fact that F denotes a formula on which one may apply any structural reasoning rule.
Definition wpgen_while (F1 F2:formula) : formula := fun Q ⇒
\∀ F,
\[∀ Q', mkstruct (wpgen_if_trm F1
(mkstruct (wpgen_seq F2 (mkstruct F)))
(mkstruct (wpgen_val val_unit))) Q'
==> mkstruct F Q']
\−∗ (mkstruct F Q).
\∀ F,
\[∀ Q', mkstruct (wpgen_if_trm F1
(mkstruct (wpgen_seq F2 (mkstruct F)))
(mkstruct (wpgen_val val_unit))) Q'
==> mkstruct F Q']
\−∗ (mkstruct F Q).
Let us axiomatize the fact that wpgen is generalized to handle the new
term construct trm_while t1 t2.
Parameter wpgen_while_eq : ∀ E t1 t2,
wpgen E (trm_while t1 t2) = mkstruct (wpgen_while (wpgen E t1) (wpgen E t2)).
wpgen E (trm_while t1 t2) = mkstruct (wpgen_while (wpgen E t1) (wpgen E t2)).
The soundness proof of wpgen with respect to the treatment of
while-loops goes as follows.
Lemma wpgen_while_sound : ∀ t1 t2 F1 F2,
formula_sound t1 F1 →
formula_sound t2 F2 →
formula_sound (trm_while t1 t2) (wpgen_while F1 F2).
Proof using.
introv S1 S2. intros Q. unfolds wpgen_while.
applys himpl_hforall_l (wp (trm_while t1 t2)).
applys himpl_trans. 2:{ rewrite* <- mkstruct_wp. }
rewrite hwand_hpure_l. { auto. } intros Q'.
applys mkstruct_monotone. intros Q''.
applys himpl_trans. 2:{ applys wp_while. }
applys himpl_trans.
2:{ applys wpgen_if_trm_sound.
{ applys S1. }
{ applys mkstruct_sound. applys wpgen_seq_sound.
{ applys S2. }
{ applys mkstruct_sound. applys wp_sound. } }
{ applys mkstruct_sound. applys wpgen_val_sound. } }
{ auto. }
formula_sound t1 F1 →
formula_sound t2 F2 →
formula_sound (trm_while t1 t2) (wpgen_while F1 F2).
Proof using.
introv S1 S2. intros Q. unfolds wpgen_while.
applys himpl_hforall_l (wp (trm_while t1 t2)).
applys himpl_trans. 2:{ rewrite* <- mkstruct_wp. }
rewrite hwand_hpure_l. { auto. } intros Q'.
applys mkstruct_monotone. intros Q''.
applys himpl_trans. 2:{ applys wp_while. }
applys himpl_trans.
2:{ applys wpgen_if_trm_sound.
{ applys S1. }
{ applys mkstruct_sound. applys wpgen_seq_sound.
{ applys S2. }
{ applys mkstruct_sound. applys wp_sound. } }
{ applys mkstruct_sound. applys wpgen_val_sound. } }
{ auto. }
Notation and Tactics for Manipulating While-Loops
Notation "'If_trm' F0 'Then' F1 'Else' F2" :=
((wpgen_if_trm F0 F1 F2))
(in custom wp at level 69) : wp_scope.
Declare Scope wpgen_scope.
Notation "'While' F1 'Do' F2 'Done'" :=
((wpgen_while F1 F2))
(in custom wp at level 69, F2 at level 68,
format "'[v' 'While' F1 'Do' '/' '[' F2 ']' '/' 'Done' ']'")
: wp_scope.
((wpgen_if_trm F0 F1 F2))
(in custom wp at level 69) : wp_scope.
Declare Scope wpgen_scope.
Notation "'While' F1 'Do' F2 'Done'" :=
((wpgen_while F1 F2))
(in custom wp at level 69, F2 at level 68,
format "'[v' 'While' F1 'Do' '/' '[' F2 ']' '/' 'Done' ']'")
: wp_scope.
The tactic xapply is useful for applying an assumption of the form
H ==> mkstruct F Q to a goal of the form H' ==> mkstruct F Q',
with the ramified frame rule relating H, H', Q and Q'.
In essence, xapply applies an hypothesis "modulo consequence-frame".
Lemma mkstruct_apply : ∀ H1 H2 F Q1 Q2,
H1 ==> mkstruct F Q1 →
H2 ==> H1 \* (Q1 \−−∗ protect Q2) →
H2 ==> mkstruct F Q2.
Proof using.
introv M1 M2. xchange M2. xchange M1. applys mkstruct_ramified.
Tactic Notation "xapply" constr(E) :=
applys mkstruct_apply; [ applys E | xsimpl; unfold protect ].
H1 ==> mkstruct F Q1 →
H2 ==> H1 \* (Q1 \−−∗ protect Q2) →
H2 ==> mkstruct F Q2.
Proof using.
introv M1 M2. xchange M2. xchange M1. applys mkstruct_ramified.
Tactic Notation "xapply" constr(E) :=
applys mkstruct_apply; [ applys E | xsimpl; unfold protect ].
The tactic xwhile is useful for reasoning about a while-loop.
In essence, the tactic while applies the reasoning rule wp_while.
Lemma xwhile_lemma : ∀ F1 F2 H Q,
(∀ F,
(∀ Q', mkstruct (wpgen_if_trm F1 (mkstruct (wpgen_seq F2 (mkstruct F)))
(mkstruct (wpgen_val val_unit))) Q'
==> mkstruct F Q')
→ H ==> mkstruct F Q) →
H ==> mkstruct (wpgen_while F1 F2) Q.
Proof using.
introv M. applys himpl_trans. 2:{ applys mkstruct_erase. }
unfold wpgen_while. xsimpl. intros F N. applys M. applys N.
Tactic Notation "xwhile" :=
xseq_xlet_if_needed; applys xwhile_lemma.
(∀ F,
(∀ Q', mkstruct (wpgen_if_trm F1 (mkstruct (wpgen_seq F2 (mkstruct F)))
(mkstruct (wpgen_val val_unit))) Q'
==> mkstruct F Q')
→ H ==> mkstruct F Q) →
H ==> mkstruct (wpgen_while F1 F2) Q.
Proof using.
introv M. applys himpl_trans. 2:{ applys mkstruct_erase. }
unfold wpgen_while. xsimpl. intros F N. applys M. applys N.
Tactic Notation "xwhile" :=
xseq_xlet_if_needed; applys xwhile_lemma.
Note: a similar construction could be set up for dealing with for loops.
Consider the following function, which computes the length of a linked
list with head at location p, using a while loop and a reference named
a to count the number of cells being traversed.
let mlength_loop p =
let a = ref 0 in
let r = ref p in
while !r != null do
incr a;
r := (!r).tail;
let n = !a in
free a;
free r;
let a = ref 0 in
let r = ref p in
while !r != null do
incr a;
r := (!r).tail;
let n = !a in
free a;
free r;
Definition mlength_loop : val :=
<{ fun 'p ⇒
let 'a = ref 0 in
let 'r = ref 'p in
while let 'p1 = !'r in ('p1 ≠ null) do
incr 'a;
let 'p1 = !'r in
let 'q = 'p1`.tail in
'r := 'q
let 'n = !'a in
free 'a;
free 'r;
'n }>.
<{ fun 'p ⇒
let 'a = ref 0 in
let 'r = ref 'p in
while let 'p1 = !'r in ('p1 ≠ null) do
incr 'a;
let 'p1 = !'r in
let 'q = 'p1`.tail in
'r := 'q
let 'n = !'a in
free 'a;
free 'r;
'n }>.
This function is specified and verified as follows.
Lemma triple_mlength_loop : ∀ L p,
triple (mlength_loop p)
(MList L p)
(fun r ⇒ \[r = length L] \* MList L p).
Proof using.
triple (mlength_loop p)
(MList L p)
(fun r ⇒ \[r = length L] \* MList L p).
Proof using.
Let's compute the weakest precondition and pretend that
xwpgen includes support for loops.
We call the xwhile tactic to handle the loop.
The formula F then denotes "the behavior of the loop".
xwhile. intros F HF.
We next state the induction principle for the loop, in the
form I p n ==> F Q, where I p n denotes the loop invariant,
and Q describes the final output of the loop.
asserts KF: (∀ p n,
r ~~> p \* a ~~> n \* MList L p
==> mkstruct F (fun _ ⇒ r ~~> null \* a ~~> (length L + n) \* MList L p)).
r ~~> p \* a ~~> n \* MList L p
==> mkstruct F (fun _ ⇒ r ~~> null \* a ~~> (length L + n) \* MList L p)).
We carry out a proof by induction on the length of the list L.
{ induction_wf IH: list_sub L. intros.
applys himpl_trans HF. clear HF. xlet.
xapp. xapp. xchange MList_if. xif; intros C; case_if.
{ xpull. intros x q L' →. xseq. xapp. xapp. xapp. xapp.
applys himpl_trans HF. clear HF. xlet.
xapp. xapp. xchange MList_if. xif; intros C; case_if.
{ xpull. intros x q L' →. xseq. xapp. xapp. xapp. xapp.
At this point, we reason about the recursive call.
We use the tactic xapply to apply the induction
hypothesis modulo the frame rule. Here, the head cell
of the list is framed out over the scope of the recursive
call, which operates only on the tail of the list.
xapply (IH L'). { auto. } intros _.
xchange <- MList_cons. { xsimpl. rew_list. math. } }
{ xpull. intros →. xval. xsimpl. { congruence. }
subst. xchange* <- (MList_nil null). } }
xapply KF. xpull. xapp. xapp. xapp. xval. xsimpl. math.
End DemoLoopFrame.
xchange <- MList_cons. { xsimpl. rew_list. math. } }
{ xpull. intros →. xval. xsimpl. { congruence. }
subst. xchange* <- (MList_nil null). } }
xapply KF. xpull. xapp. xapp. xapp. xval. xsimpl. math.
End DemoLoopFrame.
Recall from Affine the combined structural rule that includes
the affine top predicate \GC.
Parameter triple_conseq_frame_hgc : ∀ H2 H1 Q1 t H Q,
triple t H1 Q1 →
H ==> H1 \* H2 →
Q1 \*+ H2 ===> Q \*+ \GC →
triple t H Q.
triple t H1 Q1 →
H ==> H1 \* H2 →
Q1 \*+ H2 ===> Q \*+ \GC →
triple t H Q.
In that setting, it is useful to integrate \GC into the rule
triple_while_inv_conseq_frame, to allow discarding the data
allocated by the loop iterations but not described in the final
Lemma triple_while_inv_conseq_frame_hgc :
∀ (A:Type) (I:bool→A→hprop) (R:A→A→Prop) H' t1 t2 H Q,
let Q' := (fun r ⇒ \∃ Y, I false Y) in
wf R →
(H ==> (\∃ b X, I b X) \* H') →
(∀ t b X,
(∀ b' Y, R Y X → triple t (I b' Y) Q') →
triple (trm_if t1 (trm_seq t2 t) val_unit) (I b X) Q') →
Q' \*+ H' ===> Q \*+ \GC →
triple (trm_while t1 t2) H Q.
Proof using.
introv WR WH M WQ. applys triple_conseq_frame_hgc WH WQ.
applys triple_while_inv WR M.
End LoopRuleAffine.
End WhileLoops.
∀ (A:Type) (I:bool→A→hprop) (R:A→A→Prop) H' t1 t2 H Q,
let Q' := (fun r ⇒ \∃ Y, I false Y) in
wf R →
(H ==> (\∃ b X, I b X) \* H') →
(∀ t b X,
(∀ b' Y, R Y X → triple t (I b' Y) Q') →
triple (trm_if t1 (trm_seq t2 t) val_unit) (I b X) Q') →
Q' \*+ H' ===> Q \*+ \GC →
triple (trm_while t1 t2) H Q.
Proof using.
introv WR WH M WQ. applys triple_conseq_frame_hgc WH WQ.
applys triple_while_inv WR M.
End LoopRuleAffine.
End WhileLoops.
We next give a quick presentation of the notation, lemmas and
tactics involved in the manipulation of curried functions of
several arguments.
We focus here on the particular case of recursive functions with 2
arguments, to illustrate the principles at play. Set up for non-recursive
and recursive functions of arity 2 and 3 can be found in the file
One may attempt to generalize these definitions to handle arbitrary
arities. Yet, to obtain an arity-generic treatment of functions, it
appears simpler to work with primitive n-ary functions, whose treatment
is presented in the next section.
Consider a curried recursive functions that expects two arguments:
val_fix f x1 (trm_fun x2 t) describes such a function, where f
denotes the name of the function for recursive calls, x1 and x2
denote the arguments, and t denotes the body. Observe that the
inner function, the one that expects x2, is not recursive, and that
it is not a value but a term (because it may refer to the variable x1
bound outside of it).
We introduce the notation Fix f x1 x2 := t for such a recursive
function with two arguments.
Notation "'Fix' f x1 x2 ':=' t" :=
(val_fix f x1 (trm_fun x2 t))
(at level 69, f, x1, x2 at level 0,
format "'Fix' f x1 x2 ':=' t").
(val_fix f x1 (trm_fun x2 t))
(at level 69, f, x1, x2 at level 0,
format "'Fix' f x1 x2 ':=' t").
An application of a function with two arguments takes the form
f v1 v2, which is actually parsed as trm_app (trm_app f v1) v2.
This expression is an application of a term to a value, and not of
a value to a value. Thus, this expression cannot be evaluated using
the rule eval_app_fun. We therefore need a distinct rule for first
evaluating the arguments of a function application to values, before
we can evaluate the application of a value to a value.
The rule eval_app_args serves that purpose. To state it, we first
need to characterize whether a term is a value or not, using the
predicate trm_is_val t defined next.
The statement of eval_app_args is as shown below. For an expression
of the form trm_app t1 t2, where either t1 or t2 is
not a value, it enables reducing both t1 and t2 to values,
leaving a premise describing the evaluation of a term of the form
trm_app v1 v2, for which the rule eval_app_fun applies.
Parameter eval_app_args : ∀ s1 s2 s3 s4 t1 t2 v1 v2 r,
(¬ trm_is_val t1 ∨ ¬ trm_is_val t2) →
eval s1 t1 s2 v1 →
eval s2 t2 s3 v2 →
eval s3 (trm_app v1 v2) s4 r →
eval s1 (trm_app t1 t2) s4 r.
(¬ trm_is_val t1 ∨ ¬ trm_is_val t2) →
eval s1 t1 s2 v1 →
eval s2 t2 s3 v2 →
eval s3 (trm_app v1 v2) s4 r →
eval s1 (trm_app t1 t2) s4 r.
Using the above rule, we can establish an evaluation rule for the
term v0 v1 v2. There, v0 denotes a recursive function of two
arguments named x1 and x2, the values v1 and v2 denote
the two arguments, and f denotes the name of the function available
for making recursive calls from the body t1.
The key idea is that the behavior of v0 v1 v2 is similar to
that of the term subst x2 v2 (subst x1 v1 (subst f v0 t1)).
We state this property using the predicate eval_like, introduced
in the chapter Rules.
Lemma eval_like_app_fix2 : ∀ v0 v1 v2 f x1 x2 t1,
v0 = val_fix f x1 (trm_fun x2 t1) →
(x1 ≠ x2 ∧ f ≠ x2) →
eval_like (subst x2 v2 (subst x1 v1 (subst f v0 t1))) (v0 v1 v2).
Proof using.
introv E (N1&N2). introv R. applys* eval_app_args.
{ applys eval_app_fix E. simpl. do 2 (rewrite var_eq_spec; case_if).
applys eval_fun. }
{ applys* eval_val. }
{ applys* eval_app_fun. }
v0 = val_fix f x1 (trm_fun x2 t1) →
(x1 ≠ x2 ∧ f ≠ x2) →
eval_like (subst x2 v2 (subst x1 v1 (subst f v0 t1))) (v0 v1 v2).
Proof using.
introv E (N1&N2). introv R. applys* eval_app_args.
{ applys eval_app_fix E. simpl. do 2 (rewrite var_eq_spec; case_if).
applys eval_fun. }
{ applys* eval_val. }
{ applys* eval_app_fun. }
We next derive the specification triple for applications of
the form v0 v1 v2.
Lemma triple_app_fix2 : ∀ f x1 x2 v0 v1 v2 t1 H Q,
v0 = val_fix f x1 (trm_fun x2 t1) →
(x1 ≠ x2 ∧ f ≠ x2) →
triple (subst x2 v2 (subst x1 v1 (subst f v0 t1))) H Q →
triple (v0 v1 v2) H Q.
Proof using.
introv E N M1. applys triple_eval_like M1. applys* eval_like_app_fix2.
v0 = val_fix f x1 (trm_fun x2 t1) →
(x1 ≠ x2 ∧ f ≠ x2) →
triple (subst x2 v2 (subst x1 v1 (subst f v0 t1))) H Q →
triple (v0 v1 v2) H Q.
Proof using.
introv E N M1. applys triple_eval_like M1. applys* eval_like_app_fix2.
The reasoning rule above can be reformulated in weakest-precondition
Lemma wp_app_fix2 : ∀ f x1 x2 v0 v1 v2 t1 Q,
v0 = val_fix f x1 (trm_fun x2 t1) →
(x1 ≠ x2 ∧ f ≠ x2) →
wp (subst x2 v2 (subst x1 v1 (subst f v0 t1))) Q ==> wp (trm_app v0 v1 v2) Q.
Proof using. introv EQ1 N. applys wp_eval_like. applys* eval_like_app_fix2. Qed.
v0 = val_fix f x1 (trm_fun x2 t1) →
(x1 ≠ x2 ∧ f ≠ x2) →
wp (subst x2 v2 (subst x1 v1 (subst f v0 t1))) Q ==> wp (trm_app v0 v1 v2) Q.
Proof using. introv EQ1 N. applys wp_eval_like. applys* eval_like_app_fix2. Qed.
Finally, it is useful to extend the tactic xwp, so that it exploits
the rule wp_app_fix2 in the same way as it exploits wp_app_fix.
To that end, we state a lemma featuring a conclusion expressed
as a triple, and a premise expressed using wpgen. Observe the
substitution context associated with wpgen: it is instantiated as
(f,v0)::(x1,v1)::(x2,v2)::nil, so as to perform the relevant
substitutions. Note also how the side-condition expressing the freshness
conditions on the variables, using a comparison function for variables
that computes in Coq.
Lemma xwp_lemma_fix2 : ∀ f v0 v1 v2 x1 x2 t H Q,
v0 = val_fix f x1 (trm_fun x2 t) →
(var_eq x1 x2 = false ∧ var_eq f x2 = false) →
H ==> wpgen ((f,v0)::(x1,v1)::(x2,v2)::nil) t Q →
triple (v0 v1 v2) H Q.
Proof using.
introv M1 N M2. repeat rewrite var_eq_spec in N. rew_bool_eq in *.
rewrite <- wp_equiv. xchange M2.
xchange (>> wpgen_sound
(((f,v0)::nil) ++ ((x1,v1)::nil) ++ ((x2,v2)::nil)) t Q).
do 2 rewrite isubst_app. do 3 rewrite <- subst_eq_isubst_one.
applys* wp_app_fix2.
v0 = val_fix f x1 (trm_fun x2 t) →
(var_eq x1 x2 = false ∧ var_eq f x2 = false) →
H ==> wpgen ((f,v0)::(x1,v1)::(x2,v2)::nil) t Q →
triple (v0 v1 v2) H Q.
Proof using.
introv M1 N M2. repeat rewrite var_eq_spec in N. rew_bool_eq in *.
rewrite <- wp_equiv. xchange M2.
xchange (>> wpgen_sound
(((f,v0)::nil) ++ ((x1,v1)::nil) ++ ((x2,v2)::nil)) t Q).
do 2 rewrite isubst_app. do 3 rewrite <- subst_eq_isubst_one.
applys* wp_app_fix2.
The lemma gets integrated into the implementation of xwp as follows.
Tactic Notation "xwp" :=
first [ applys xwp_lemma_fun; [ reflexivity | ]
| applys xwp_lemma_fix; [ reflexivity | ]
| applys xwp_lemma_fix2; [ reflexivity | splits; reflexivity | ] ];
first [ applys xwp_lemma_fun; [ reflexivity | ]
| applys xwp_lemma_fix; [ reflexivity | ]
| applys xwp_lemma_fix2; [ reflexivity | splits; reflexivity | ] ];
This tactic xwp also appears in the file LibSepReference.v. It is
exploited in several examples from the chapter Basic.
We next present an alternative treatment to functions of several
arguments. The idea is to represent function arguments using lists.
The verification tool CFML is implemented following this approach.
On the one hand, the manipulation of lists adds a little bit of
boilerplate. On the other hand, when using this representation, all
the definitions and lemmas are inherently arity-generic, that is,
they work for any number of arguments.
We introduce the short names vars, vals and trms to denote lists
of variables, lists of values, and lists of terms, respectively.
These names are not only useful to improve conciseness, they also enable
the set up of useful coercions, as illustrated further on.
Definition vars : Type := list var.
Definition vals : Type := list val.
Definition trms : Type := list trm.
Implicit Types xs : vars.
Implicit Types vs : vals.
Implicit Types ts : trms.
Definition vals : Type := list val.
Definition trms : Type := list trm.
Implicit Types xs : vars.
Implicit Types vs : vals.
Implicit Types ts : trms.
We assume the grammar of terms and values to include primitive n-ary
functions and primitive n-ary applications, featuring list of arguments.
Thereafter, for conciseness, we focus on the treatment of recursive
functions, and do not describe the simpler case of non-recursive
Parameter val_fixs : var → vars → trm → val.
Parameter trm_fixs : var → vars → trm → trm.
Parameter trm_apps : trm → trms → trm.
Parameter trm_fixs : var → vars → trm → trm.
Parameter trm_apps : trm → trms → trm.
The substitution function is a bit tricky to update for dealing with
list of variables. A definition along the following lines computes well,
and is recognized as structurally recursive by Coq.
Fixpoint subst (y:var) (w:val) (t:trm) : trm :=
let aux t := (subst y w t) in
let aux_no_captures xs t := (If List.In y xs then t else aux t) in
match t with
| trm_fixs f xs t1 ⇒ trm_fixs f xs (If f = y then t1 else
aux_no_captures xs t1)
| trm_apps t0 ts ⇒ trm_apps (aux t0) ( aux ts)
The evaluation rules also need to be updated to handle list of
arguments. A n-ary function from the grammar of terms evaluates to
the corresponding n-ary function from the grammar of values.
Fixpoint subst (y:var) (w:val) (t:trm) : trm :=
let aux t := (subst y w t) in
let aux_no_captures xs t := (If List.In y xs then t else aux t) in
match t with
| trm_fixs f xs t1 ⇒ trm_fixs f xs (If f = y then t1 else
aux_no_captures xs t1)
| trm_apps t0 ts ⇒ trm_apps (aux t0) ( aux ts)
Note that, for technical reasons, we need to ensure that list of
arguments is nonempty. Indeed, a function with zero arguments
would beta-reduce to its body as soon as it is defined, because
it is not waiting for any argument, resulting in an infinite
sequence of reductions.
The application of a n-ary function to values takes the form
trm_apps (trm_val v0) ((trm_val v1):: .. ::(trm_val vn)::nil).
If the function v0 is defined as val_fixs f xs t1, where xs
denotes the list x1::x2::...::xn::nil, then the beta-reduction
of the function application triggers the evaluation of the
term subst xn vn (... (subst x1 v1 (subst f v0 t1)) ...).
To describe the evaluation rule in an arity-generic way, we need to
introduce the list vs made of the values provided as arguments,
that is, the list v1::v2::..::vn::nil.
With this list vs, the n-ary application can then be written as the
term trm_apps (trm_val v0) (trms_vals vs), where the operation
trms_vals converts a list of values into a list of terms by
applying the constructor trm_val to every value from the list.
Note that we declare the operation trms_vals as a coercion, just
like trm_val is a coercion. Doing so enables us to write a n-ary
application in the form v0 vs.
To describe the iterated substitution
subst xn vn (... (subst x1 v1 (subst f v0 t1)) ...), we introduce
the operation substn xs vs t, which substitutes the variables xs
with the values vs inside the t. It is defined recursively,
by iterating calls to the function subst for substituting the
variables one by one.
Fixpoint substn (xs:list var) (vs:list val) (t:trm) : trm :=
match xs,vs with
| x::xs', v::vs' ⇒ substn xs' vs' (subst x v t)
| _,_ ⇒ t
match xs,vs with
| x::xs', v::vs' ⇒ substn xs' vs' (subst x v t)
| _,_ ⇒ t
This substitution operation is well-behaved only if the list xs
and the list vs have the same lengths. It is also needed for
reasoning about the evaluation rule to guarantee that the list of
variables xs contains variables that are distinct from each others
and distinct from f, and to guarantee that the list xs is not empty.
To formally capture all these invariants, we introduce the predicate
var_fixs f xs n, where n denotes the number of arguments the
function is being applied to. Typically, n is equal to the length
of the list of arguments vs.
Definition var_fixs (f:var) (xs:vars) (n:nat) : Prop :=
LibList.noduplicates (f::xs)
∧ length xs = n
∧ xs ≠ nil.
LibList.noduplicates (f::xs)
∧ length xs = n
∧ xs ≠ nil.
The evaluation of a recursive function v0 defined as val_fixs f xs t1
on a list of arguments vs triggers the evaluation of the term
substn xs vs (subst f v0 t1), same as substn (f::xs) (v0::vs) t1.
The evaluation rule is stated as follows, using the predicate var_fixs
to enforce the appropriate invariants on the variable names.
Parameter eval_apps_fixs : ∀ v0 vs f xs t1 s1 s2 r,
v0 = val_fixs f xs t1 →
var_fixs f xs (LibList.length vs) →
eval s1 (substn (f::xs) (v0::vs) t1) s2 r →
eval s1 (trm_apps v0 (trms_vals vs)) s2 r.
v0 = val_fixs f xs t1 →
var_fixs f xs (LibList.length vs) →
eval s1 (substn (f::xs) (v0::vs) t1) s2 r →
eval s1 (trm_apps v0 (trms_vals vs)) s2 r.
The corresponding reasoning rule admits a somewhat similar statement.
Lemma triple_apps_fixs : ∀ v0 vs f xs t1 H Q,
v0 = val_fixs f xs t1 →
var_fixs f xs (LibList.length vs)→
triple (substn (f::xs) (v0::vs) t1) H Q →
triple (trm_apps v0 vs) H Q.
Proof using.
introv E N M. applys triple_eval_like M.
introv R. applys* eval_apps_fixs.
v0 = val_fixs f xs t1 →
var_fixs f xs (LibList.length vs)→
triple (substn (f::xs) (v0::vs) t1) H Q →
triple (trm_apps v0 vs) H Q.
Proof using.
introv E N M. applys triple_eval_like M.
introv R. applys* eval_apps_fixs.
The statement of the above lemma applies only to terms that are
of the form trm_apps (trm_val v0) (trms_vals vs). Yet, in practice,
goals are generally of the form
trm_apps (trm_val v0) ((trm_val v1):: .. :: (trm_val vn)::nil).
The two forms are convertible. Yet, in most cases, Coq is not able to
synthesize the list vs during the unification process.
Fortunately, it is possible to reformulate the lemma using an auxiliary
conversion function named trms_to_vals, whose evaluation by Coq's
unification process is able to synthesize the list vs.
The operation trms_to_vals ts, if all the terms in ts are of the
form trm_val vi, returns a list of values vs such that ts is
equal to trms_vals vs. Otherwise, the operation returns None.
The definition and specification of the operation trms_to_vals
are as follows.
Fixpoint trms_to_vals (ts:trms) : option vals :=
match ts with
| nil ⇒ Some nil
| (trm_val v)::ts' ⇒
match trms_to_vals ts' with
| None ⇒ None
| Some vs' ⇒ Some (v::vs')
| _ ⇒ None
match ts with
| nil ⇒ Some nil
| (trm_val v)::ts' ⇒
match trms_to_vals ts' with
| None ⇒ None
| Some vs' ⇒ Some (v::vs')
| _ ⇒ None
The specification of the function trms_to_vals asserts that if
trms_to_vals ts produces some list of values vs, then ts is
equal to trms_vals vs.
Lemma trms_to_vals_spec : ∀ ts vs,
trms_to_vals ts = Some vs →
ts = trms_vals vs.
Proof using.
intros ts. induction ts as [|t ts']; simpl; introv E.
{ inverts E. auto. }
{ destruct t; inverts E as E. cases (trms_to_vals ts') as C; inverts E.
rename v0 into vs'. rewrite* (IHts' vs'). }
trms_to_vals ts = Some vs →
ts = trms_vals vs.
Proof using.
intros ts. induction ts as [|t ts']; simpl; introv E.
{ inverts E. auto. }
{ destruct t; inverts E as E. cases (trms_to_vals ts') as C; inverts E.
rename v0 into vs'. rewrite* (IHts' vs'). }
Here is a demo showing how trms_to_vals computes in practice.
Lemma demo_trms_to_vals : ∀ v1 v2 v3,
∃ vs,
trms_to_vals ((trm_val v1)::(trm_val v2)::(trm_val v3)::nil) = Some vs
∧ vs = vs.
Proof using.
(* Activate the display of coercions to play this demo *)
intros. esplit. split. simpl. eauto. (* Observe how vs is inferred. *)
∃ vs,
trms_to_vals ((trm_val v1)::(trm_val v2)::(trm_val v3)::nil) = Some vs
∧ vs = vs.
Proof using.
(* Activate the display of coercions to play this demo *)
intros. esplit. split. simpl. eauto. (* Observe how vs is inferred. *)
Using trms_to_vals, we can reformulate the rule triple_apps_fixs
in such a way that the rule can be smoothly applied on goals of the
form trm_apps (trm_val v0) ((trm_val v1):: .. :: (trm_val vn)::nil).
Lemma triple_apps_fixs' : ∀ v0 ts vs f xs t1 H Q,
v0 = val_fixs f xs t1 →
trms_to_vals ts = Some vs →
var_fixs f xs (LibList.length vs)→
triple (substn (f::xs) (v0::vs) t1) H Q →
triple (trm_apps v0 ts) H Q.
Proof using.
introv E T N M. rewrites (@trms_to_vals_spec _ _ T).
applys* triple_apps_fixs.
v0 = val_fixs f xs t1 →
trms_to_vals ts = Some vs →
var_fixs f xs (LibList.length vs)→
triple (substn (f::xs) (v0::vs) t1) H Q →
triple (trm_apps v0 ts) H Q.
Proof using.
introv E T N M. rewrites (@trms_to_vals_spec _ _ T).
applys* triple_apps_fixs.
Finally, let us show how to integrate the rule triple_apps_fixs' into
the tactic xwp. To that end, we reformulate the rule by making two
small changes.
The first change consists of replacing the predicate var_fixs which checks
the well-formedness properties of the list of variables xs by an
executable version of this predicate, with a result in bool. This way,
the tactic reflexivity can prove all the desired facts, when the lemma
in invoked on a concrete function. We omit the details, and simply
state the type of the boolean function var_fixs_exec.
The second change consists of introducing the wpgen function for
reasoning about the body of the function. Concretely, the substitution
substn (f::xs) (v0::vs) is described by the substitution context
List.combine (f::xs) (v0::vs).
The statement of the lemma for xwp is as follows. We omit the proof
details. (They may be found in the implementation of the CFML tool.)
Parameter xwp_lemma_fixs : ∀ v0 ts vs f xs t1 H Q,
v0 = val_fixs f xs t1 →
trms_to_vals ts = Some vs →
var_fixs_exec f xs (LibList.length vs) →
H ==> (wpgen (combine (f::xs) (v0::vs)) t1) Q →
triple (trm_apps v0 ts) H Q.
v0 = val_fixs f xs t1 →
trms_to_vals ts = Some vs →
var_fixs_exec f xs (LibList.length vs) →
H ==> (wpgen (combine (f::xs) (v0::vs)) t1) Q →
triple (trm_apps v0 ts) H Q.
A Coercion for Parsing Primitive N-ary Applications
To explain the working of our coercion trick, let us consider a simplified
grammar of terms, including only the constructor trm_apps for n-ary
applications, and the construct trm_val for values.
We introduce the data type apps, featuring two constructors named
apps_init and apps_next, to represent the syntax tree.
For example, the term trm_apps f (x::y::z::nil) is represented
as the expression apps_next (apps_next (apps_init f x) y) z.
Internally, the parsing proceeds as follows.
- The application of a term to a term, that is, t1 t2, gets interpreted via a Funclass coercion as apps_init t1 t2, which is an expression of type apps.
- The application of an object of type apps to a term, that is a1 t2, gets interpreted via another Funclass coercion as apps_next a1 t2.
From a term of the form apps_next (apps_next (apps_init f x) y) z,
the corresponding application trm_apps f (x::y::z::nil) can be computed
by a Coq function, called apps_to_trm, that processes the syntax tree
of the apps expression. This function is implemented recursively.
- In the base case, apps_init t1 t2 describes the application of a function to one argument: trm_apps t1 (t2::nil).
- In the "next" case, if an apps structure a1 describes a term trm_apps t0 ts, then apps_next a1 t2 describes the term trm_apps t0 (ts++t2::nil), that is, an application to one more argument.
Fixpoint apps_to_trm (a:apps) : trm :=
match a with
| apps_init t1 t2 ⇒ trm_apps t1 (t2::nil)
| apps_next a1 t2 ⇒
match apps_to_trm a1 with
| trm_apps t0 ts ⇒ trm_apps t0 ( ts (t2::nil))
| t0 ⇒ trm_apps t0 (t2::nil)
match a with
| apps_init t1 t2 ⇒ trm_apps t1 (t2::nil)
| apps_next a1 t2 ⇒
match apps_to_trm a1 with
| trm_apps t0 ts ⇒ trm_apps t0 ( ts (t2::nil))
| t0 ⇒ trm_apps t0 (t2::nil)
The function apps_to_trm is declared as a coercion from apps
to trm, so that any iterated application can be interpreted as
the corresponding trm_apps term. Coq raises an "ambiguous coercion
path" warning, but this warning may be safely ignored here.
The following demo shows how the term f x y z is parsed as
apps_to_trm (apps_next (apps_next (apps_init f x) y) z), which
then simplifies by simpl to trm_apps f (x::y::z::nil).
Lemma apps_demo : ∀ (f x y z:trm),
(f x y z : trm) = trm_apps f (x::y::z::nil).
Proof using. intros. (* activate display of coercions *) simpl. Abort.
End NarySyntax.
End PrimitiveNaryFun.
(f x y z : trm) = trm_apps f (x::y::z::nil).
Proof using. intros. (* activate display of coercions *) simpl. Abort.
End NarySyntax.
End PrimitiveNaryFun.
Historical Notes
(* 2022-09-20 16:51 *)